How to improve community hangouts?

I do think its the right thing. Its like a forum, only its video chat…much more personal, IMO.

Definitely! and if possible, like others had suggested, on different timezones.

Maybe, or maybe not. I think its about how it has been advertised. Maybe pin the topic…then ensure that it is available to all/all are welcome to attend (maybe some does not think “public” is for all :smile:).

While some others do not think they need it (they already have deployed a working version). Advertise it as “this is your chance to meet and greet people/developers behind NethServer…share your thoughts, feature requests, and appreciation personally!”

Training hangouts, I think, will not be that successful. Maybe this can be done in 1 time basis per feature (and per NS version perhaps), then, publish the video how-to in how-to section linked in YouTube and all questions will be answered there (or can be asked in succeeding Hangouts). TIme-limited, It will be up to the person what section to watch and what to watch.

Just chimming-in my opinion…not asserting it :sweat_smile:


I would prefer a hangout with a specific topic to discus and find fast a solution as @robb wrote .

If a specific topic is interesting I would join it in the night as well. I am not a developer and if I have time maybe I would join a developer hangout only to hear what is going on and to see who are this great people who do all this work.

I also like the idea of a [quote=“syntaxerrormmm, post:31, topic:3105”]
“community hangouts”

only to see each other and get to know.

The time zone hangout is a good idea but as I mentioned before, if I consider my free time, I would do it most of the time if I see a benefits for the Nethserver. It’s the question do I join a hangout for one hour or do I work on the documentation for one hour? Which will have the better benefit?[quote=“alefattorini, post:30, topic:3105”]
training part

The training part is an other option but I wouldn’t call it a hangout. This is more a webinar which is common in the meantime. I joined one this morning at 0:00 - 1:00 because it was from a German company about FEM simulation. If we prepare it well we could advertise it and get more people aware of Nethserver. And later we can publish it at Youtube as @Hunv already mentioned.

Over all I would suggest IMHO as well more specific hangout which consider all the good ideas like time zone, specific topic or chit-chat, webinar etc.

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The time zone based hangouts are a good idea. With regards to scheduling, having it outside of office hours as this should allow more people to join in.

The idea of having “official training” hangouts as well as a more relaxed or informal hangouts is definitely something to be explored and the informal hangouts could include something more formal on occasion, depending on what is trending at the time.

I may have some more thoughts but I am a little swamped with work priorities so will post details as and when I can


I think you must be more restrictive with date.
Personally, when I look the doodle, I really don’t know what to put for disponibility.
Between monday to fryday and saturday/ sunday, it’s really different…
So I suggest you to fix a small bunch of days ( three or four max) and let’s each one making it’s disponibility.
Actually, it’s too open, so nobody know what to do…

All the bast


I’m almost always available during office hours and I can surely find a free hour on Saturdays :wink:

But, of course, I prefer hanging out in front of a beer! :beer:


Thank you all guys, I got many tips!
Making a recap of your thoughts:

  • more ‘specialized’ meetings with a clear topic
  • meetings for teams: dev team, the docs team, the community team, translation team
  • have an official part (recorded) and a relax part (after or before that) to see each other and get to know
  • written summary with all subjects and decisions afterward
  • schedule on different timezone to reach members sparse on the planet Earth in different continents
  • having it outside of office hours as this should allow more people to join in
  • more restrictive with date, just a small bunch of days

And that’s my proposal, I’d like to create some “meetings” with these features:

  • a single and specific subject, for example:
  • “Testing Urbackup on NethServer”
  • “How to move forward the Raspberry spin”
  • “Improving the wiki”
  • “NethServer 7 Developments status”
  • specific people have to be involved, just 1-2
  • meeting should be scheduled suiting participants needs (respecting timezone and office hours)
  • the meeting have to contain an official part (always recorded and summarize) based on the chosen topic and maybe a relax part with generic chit-chat.

Let give me some examples:

We need just to see what time would work better for the few participants, choosing from a small list of dates, others can just watch the meeting in real-time or the recording later.

Plus, we can test in the meantime another different platform like Blab, do you know it yet? It would permit us to

  • enable viewers to text-chat in real-time with participants, questions and greetings are welcomed
  • chat and questions are recorded with the video as well
  • use also facebook and twitter accounts, not just google
  • download video and audio to publish it afterward everywhere: podcasts, youtube,
  • subscribe a meeting as viewer and be notified of its beginning by email or browser notifications, all in realtime.

Icing on the cake, it’s very very easy to use! More info:

These are my opinions here but really I’m curious to hear all of yours.

Who want to help me to test this new platform and see if it suits our needs? Today or tomorrow?


Sound good to me :slight_smile:

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Tomorrow me and @robb are going to test Blab, do you want to join us? @Hunv @Jim @vhinzsanchez @WillZen @giacomo @syntaxerrormmm
This is the link, meeting is scheduled at 10 AM CEST

You can also subscribe and chat without audio/video

Would love to, but I would be onsite (with all the other people from BgLUG) at the last laboratory we installed our solution, to cope with the last fixes needed. Sorry guys :frowning:

Sorry, can’t again. Its going to be 4PM here in the Philippines and we are still on-work.

My apologies.

Your question isn’t clear if you consider the different time zone.
Do you mean 5th May or 6th May at 10am CEST?

You’re right. Sorry we had rescheduled the hangout Monday 9th at 12.30 PM CEST
Blab link

Ok. This is a good time for me 8:30 pm.:smile:
I am in.

Glad to have you with us! I invite you to sign-in blab and subscribe the event above!

I can’t find where I have to create an account. I get only the option to sign in with Facebook or Twitter. I don’t have both and I don’t like to get one.

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@WillZen: thatś the trick: you only need to log in with either FB or twitter account. Or, if you prefer not to share through those, you can join without being logged in… (at least that was what I understood)

OK. Let see how it will work without an Twitter or Facebook account.

I think that one of two is mandatory. As in Google hangout a Google account is needed

I don’t know but Twitter looks like is to be the lesser evil.

In less than two hours we will test Blab for our meetings, [this is the link to join us] ( @robb @WillZen @davidep
You are all welcome!