Geecom CMS 3.0 on NethServer ! [Installation Guide]

First of all:
What is Geecom CMS?
How to install on NethServer?

Because I used phpMyAdmin, I also included in the guide how to install it.


-Connect via ssh to Nethserver

-Enable NethForge Repository

yum install nethserver-nethforge-release
rpm --import  /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-NETHFORGE-6

-Go in Package Manager ADD phpMyAdmin, FTP Server, MySQL Server, Web server

-Now create an FTP user

-With chroot directory /var/www/html

-Now create an MySQL user

Is the time to Download Geecom CMS ! so:
and Download Geecom cms 3.0

-We must edit the file constanti.php with our MySQL user, password and Dbname

-Transfer all files from geecom cms 3.0 to your html directory with FTP account

The last steps
Go on http://yourserver/installazione
And add an admin account

You will be redirected on http://yourserver/amministrazione

This is your management page

First Article


Edit your first post and complete it :wink:

1 Like

Great job! very nice HOW-TO
