Do not find local installation of AD / LDAP from manual

NethServer Version: NethServer release 7.3.1611 (Final)
**Module: Account Provider


I want to set up an AD locally, but sorry to a noob - I do not find

“To install a local Active Directory accounts provider, go to page Accounts provider > Active Directory > Create a new domain.”

"To install and configure an OpenLDAP local accounts provider, go to page Accounts provider > LDAP > Install locally. The system needs a working internet connection to download additional packages."

as desribed in the manual. Did I miss something?


Did you access the Server Manager web interface?

Then some (old) screenshots here:

Nope - does not work . In fact, pictures are completely differnt. Will try to find & Install SP1.

Worked after installation + updates. Had to install Updates by four steps:

  1. Basic install
  2. Updates of installed basic software
  3. Additional software installation
  4. Updates of additinally installed software


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