Chat server for NS users?


I very often have a quick question here and there,
and between the laziness (sorry) and the sake of not “spamming”; I restrain from opening a subject on the forum, + the typical reaction time of a Forum (a fact not a critic) …

Wondering if there is a “chat” server officially or semi-officially,
we have many options, Jabber, Mattermost and Matrix.

A lot of admins, that use to hangout on IRC (freenode era) are now on matrix servers, a modern “irc” yet sober … .

Not pushing my luck too far I hope, but a chat box on the forum can help actually even that alone :slight_smile: … .

We can create a chat right here in Discourse if you like it’s very easy to use…
I don’t know if people will like it.

I can enable it anytime

Enable it we test, if it’s great OK, if not we abandon ship…

However a more collective chat, based on matrix or worst case discord… Is more inclusive IMO

I’d currently vote against Discord.
Which is a great tool, a fantastic videoconferencing/voip tool, a nice collaboration suite. And might end be a “second home” for a lot of questions, answers, support, solutions. Having two places to check on might be not the best idea.

That’s why I vote matrix. Community members with own servers can easily join in.

If am not wrong, matrix has a mattermost bridge, would enable the dev, support and others to still converse on the matrix (world) while staying home. But hey, wishful thinking…

Why another tool if Discourse already offers it?

As said, enable it we test it out…

my opi:

Discord == security issues . (authentication etc handled by “them”)
(one of my stories: a discord “server” owner got my IP from Discord Inc. for example …)
and usually the more multimedia features you have, the more security holes risk to exist … (and it is closed source at my knowledge)

for mattemost etc,
the is a software on git hub or lab, that holds the repo of “matterbridge”
I use it, it can be used to create bridges between almost every Chat protocol that exists …