Access/Syncronize NextCloud with Samba AD profile Directories

NethServer Version: 7.3 RC3 (all updates installed)
Module: nethserver-nextcloud

Folks, people are liking a lot of nethserver but asking questions. They like the Nextcloud app but want to know if the samba ad profile directory files can be accessed with nextcloud since it appears to use the same user/password for access to profiles. Is there a way to setup the nextcloud default profiles so they can view/upload/down from the /var/lib/nethserver/home/(ad profile username) directory? Thanks!


We did try, it didn’t work but I think that is because we went in over “red” (public) interface and I think it will only work if we go in on the green interface. (Firewall logs show rejection when trying to connect to domain CIFS). Makes sense logically. Will report when we remove our router from the equation (routing from router to nethserver public interface for now).