Wordpress installation on Nethserver (multiple vhosts)


I admire your patience. For you these are probably all banalities.

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Hi Marko,

It is not banalities for me, it is always hard to work with DB.
I am patient because I like to share my little knowledge to help people as I would have like been helped when I was a newbee.

Here, it is you that is the patient person to try and try again until it is working. This is the root of a real pro.



Thank you.
I have perfect conditions…
I am lying at home sick with severe pain and urgently need distraction.

The next step: To configure my mail server.
But I will start a new thread.

one question to @stephdl

Should I adapt your recommendations from the manual starting in chapter III/6 by replacing “/var/www/html” with my path to the vhost?
Best regards, MArko

for me this folder is only for tests, use a vhost for work

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follow up here

Hi @stephdl ,
After the page is basically running, I analyze the concrete behavior. I notice that the .htaccess file is obviously not processed.
You are advised to adjust the file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf in your manual.

##### AllowOverride None
# Modification par Michel-André le 8 février 2019
# afin que le démon httpd traite les fichers .htacces dans # les répertoires et sous-répertoires de /var/www/html. AllowOverride All

But these changes would only affect the var/www/html directory. What do I have to enter if I want this to affect my various vhost directories?
It would be logical to add the directory to the vhost. /var/lib/nethserver/vhost/abcdefeghijk123/

    ##### AllowOverride None
    # Modification par Michel-André le 8 février 2019
    # afin que le démon httpd traite les fichers .htacces dans # les répertoires et sous-répertoires de
/var/lib/nethserver/vhost/abcdefeghijk123/. AllowOverride All

Can or must I make these entries several times, since I have several vhosts?
What about the unique definition DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"?

Could there be other reasons why the .htaccess file is not evaluated?

Best regards, Marko

.htaccess has been designed to match the vhost, originally when you do not have access to the global configuration of apache you write a .htaccess to modify your vhost. So yes for me, three vhost, three .htaccess

Of course, I have .htacces-Files within each vhost directory. But it seems that Apache doesn’t process them.
so I thought it would help to adjust the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file

The question is,

What do I have to enter if I want this to affect my various vhost directories?
It would be logical to add the directory to the vhost. /var/lib/nethserver/vhost/abcdefeghijk123/

Can or must I make these entries several times, since I have several vhosts?

That means, can I add such statements more than once for each host?
Or how else Apache knows that it should also evaluate the .htaccess files in the different vhost directories ?

Read /etc/httpd/conf.d/virtualhosts.conf you will read allowoverride all for each vhost, apache will read and use .htaccess for each vhost

After all maybe your htaccess is wrong and you need to adjust it

.htaccess seems to be functional now. I don’t know why because I didn’t change anything.

Hi Marko,

After modifying the config of Apache for the AllowOverride All, you have to restart the httpd daemon. Maybe a reboot did the job.

The restarting of the httpd daemon is not necessary for the vhost as its config file already contains AllowOverride All when it is created.


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Thank you.
one problem I still have apparently.
I prefer using URLs with out the leading “www”. Therefore my site works fine with out.

But to be accessible for others with www as well, I created an A-Record with www.myancestry.de.

Unfortunately the wrong Let’s encrypt certificate is provided by dargels.de.
What could be the cause?

Does the server actually create wildcard certificates or is only the root domain secured?

best regards, Marko

Hi Marko,

I do not remember when and why, but I always add 2 alias under Configuration → DNS → Alias: mail.FQDN and www.FQDN.


Memory is a faculty that forgets…

No, it’s not a wildcard cert.

You may configure more domains for letsencrypt like

I see. I thought here are only root domains possible.
Thank you

Hi Marko,

The certificate will be issue to the first domain name, all the other domains are considered Alternate name of the main one.


Unfortunately the certificates cannot be changed or deleted.

Can this really be true? How do I solve this problem?

best regards, MArko

Just request a new one.
You can delete it via CLI.

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I’m sorry. I cannot interpret your hint. What should I do now to get the right certificates? for each domain and subdomain?
Could you please explain again?