Wordpress installation on Nethserver (multiple vhosts)

Hi Marko,

As you are in /var/lib/nethserver/vhost/your-host, I think there is a typo in the above command. It should be:

mv wordpress/* .

Also, even that there are no hidden files in main directory wordpress/, you have to notice that the command mv directory/* will not move hidden files and hidden directories from wordpress/ directory, unless directly specified; but it will move hidden files and hidden directories from wordpress/sub-directories.

An easier solution is to use the option tar --strip-components 1 . This option will remove wordpres/, i.e. the first “1” component, from the name of the extracted files and they will all be directly extracted into /var/lib/nethserver/vhost/your-host/.

# tar --strip-components 1 -zxvf latest.tar.gz

For hidden files and hidden directories, as above for the mv command, the same can be said for your last chown command.
An easier solution to take care of all hidden files/directories with chown is as you did with your first chown:

chown -R apache:apache /var/lib/nethserver/vhost/your-host

  • ...your-host/, only the “content” of directory your-host will be affected and not the hidden files/dirs inside your-host/ itself; but those inside your-host/sub-dirs/ will.
  • ...your-host, the directory your-host will also have its owner:group changed to apache:apache as all the hidden files/dirs wherever they are…

Just suggestions,
