When are we going to see about updating for this Roundcube 0-Day?


You can do a test also by disabling this plugin and upgrade. Honestly I am not sure because it is a security fix release and I am quite sure the changes are tiny…but who knows

@stephdl Hi to a new week.
Just updated roundcube again, disabled the 2fa plugin and roundcube works as expected with 1.4.15, re-enabled the 2fa plugin and back to the blank page with the error.
So at this point it’s update for the cve and lose 2fa or don’t update and … well.

What do you suggest now that it definitely seems that the 2fa plugin crashes roundcube 1.4.15?

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We fetch the plugin branch of this github repository

It seems not really alive so a this point either find another plugins I have not much to say, we have the last version

Not tested but I am not sure it works with 1.5.5 (nethserver-roundcubemail-next), if yes it could be an option or find another plugin

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Roundcubemail 1.6.5 needs testers

I guess that…
Patched 1.4 version is installed. But Nethserver package and Roundcube package versions do not match; probably irrelevant?

Side question: worth an upgrade to roundcube 1.5?

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