What will be the neth business model

You just lost me completely now :grin: .

Iā€™m sad about that but you canā€™t have your answer or discussions about prices here, simply because itā€™s NethServer Enterprise relatedā€¦ hope you understand.
Iā€™m sure Nethesis sales guys will answer your questions definitely :wink: bear with them!

@alefattorini I think you misunderstood me? Iā€™m not interested to discuss prices at all. Iā€™m trying to have an discussion about the differences between the community software and the SME versions and how they differ from each other :smile: . Sorry if Iā€™m not clear enough in my questions. I have a discussion going on with @Giuseppe_Trianti and I think we iron out all my question there.

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The real difference is the support and monitoring center by Nethesis.
Also, there are a couple of big modules not yet available for the community: an Asterisk PBX (NethVoice) and a Nagios implementation (NethMonitor).
But some parts of both modules will be soon released to the community.

I give you an example for NethMonitor.
The community will have Adagios and OCS inventory ready to be installed from the package manager.
But the enterprise version will also have a web wizard to ease the configuration for passive checks. The wizard will also permit to import hosts from OCS to Nagios/Adagios and it will handle some hardware probes built with Raspberry.

I hope Iā€™ve been clear enough :smiley:


@giacomo Thank you for the explanation it makes good sense what you explained. I really see forward to test the new features in the near. Is there a roadmap announcement when the Enterprise side i fully completed for review and test?

The Enterprise is already in production, it is always released with the Community version.
If you are looking for the monitoring add-on, I think it will ready for October or November.

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Now Iā€™m curious.

What is the official viewpoint ofā€¦ the principals behind nethserverā€¦ I guess, of the use of ā€œnethserver communityā€ in smb (small, medium business) since this is different than sme?

ie; the non it related small business owner that has a couple of employees and needs a file server, mail server and is struggling just to start or stay in business but doesnā€™t want all their business on MS 365 or Googleā€™s servers dependent on an internet connection, or the non-profit charity whose every dime goes into their charities beneficiaries, etc, basically people that are trying to build something but just arenā€™t big enough yet to pay the going rates of $300 an hour consultants, msps?

I mean, really, who is ā€œcommunityā€ for?

I know what Zentyalā€™s viewpoint was, and it was ugly but I worked around it until it got, well, bad.

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I really donā€™t grasp the meaning of the question. Could you try to clarify it, please?

We (the NethServer Community) develop and support NethServer, which is and will always be free to use.
Nethesis (NethServer sponsor) still has a lot of control on NethServer, but, as the community grows, its power grows (and Nethesis will be happy). I personally donā€™t have (and donā€™t want) a golden share.

Iā€™d like to see NethServer used in NPOs all over the world. Iā€™ll be happy to support sysadmins working for charities.

Also, I think that some of the features of the commercial version appeal only IT professionals.