Webtop nextcloud integration fails

Does your password contains the hash character?
Issue WT-629 may be the cause of that error message.

No, it hasn’t.

In the end I see no other solution than to try a fresh reinstallation.

Regarding to this posts…

… I am worried about how to completely uninstall webtop5 in order to try a completely new installation.

Within the NextCloud documentation, there is a wonderful description of how to manually carry out a residue-free uninstallation. Unfortunately, this is missing at webtop…as with most others.

@webtop_team: Can anyone guide me through such a complete uninstallation of Webtop5?

And by the way, I would appreciate it if all documentation contained a description of the complete manual uninstallation if already an automatic uninstallation should not be possible.

Sincerely, MArko

This will hardly be a solution to your the problem: you are going to use the same code, no matter if it
has been reinstalled.

Please don’t :slight_smile:
We inspected all the possible path and the doc has been updated for this usage scenario (thanks to @lucag). If your installation doesn’t still work, I think it something related to your configuration.
Since we can’t reproduce in any other why, I guess the only solution is to troubleshoot your machine with direct access.

I still hope @webtop_team has some other ideas on how to solve this. :crossed_fingers:

It is quite hard to realize because it depends on which modules have been installed: many times a software changes the config of other part of the system.
Still, feel free to open a PR to the doc for those software you’ve experience about removal.

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Hi @giacomo and @lucag.
Thank you for your work with me and the work behind the scenes. It’s not always so obvious.

Now I had one last idea:

yum reinstall nethserver-webtop5
signal-event nethserver-webtop5-update

And now finally everything works.

With all my heart grateful greetings,

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Really? I’m very happy about it! :clap: You’ve tried a solution I never though about.

I’m wondering what part of the event fixed the problem, maybe this code but it should have been already executed during the install. :thinking:

By the way, I’m really glad you resolved it! We will remember about this solution if the problem arises agin :wink:


Possibly I was happy too early.
I can access the directory and file structure (e.g. renaming nectcloud files within Webtop works fine. This means for me that the permissions are passed on correctly) but generated links lead to an error when called.

# Not Found

The requested URL /public/156c0407/vfs/link/845bd0cddd1a8d90b6470392bf397541 was not found on this server.

But possibly we can fix this? :slight_smile:

Sincerely, Marko

if your configuration is still this:

the problem you report may be due to the incorrect Public URL.
Try to delete it by deleting what you entered in this field and click on Save.

Let us know if it solves …


well, that was the reason.
Thank you.


I’m really glad I was helpful to you :+1:

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