WebTop error access

It’s something unexpected but not abnormal :wink:
The password is in binary form and works good on other software like Nextcloud.

The issue is inside WebTop5 SQL schema: the password field can’t handle values longer than 255 characters:

[root@mytest ~]#  su - postgres -c "psql webtop5 -c '\d+ core.domains'"  | grep dir_password
 dir_password            | character varying(255) |           | extended |              | 
 dir_password_policy     | boolean                | not null  | plain    |              | 

The encoded password is 693 characters long (while the plain one is 171) in my installation :

[root@mytest ~]# perl -e 'use NethServer::SSSD; my $sssd = new NethServer::SSSD(); print $sssd->bindPassword();' | java -classpath /usr/share/webtop/ WebtopPassEncode | wc -m

Can we expand the password field length in the initial sql? /cc @matteo.albinola @gabriele_bulfon