We must organize the doc

nsX or vX?

What form should we adopt?

I prefer “v” because it’s already set as tag in discourse and in manual urls.

I already start to do something in Userguides I had create ht_v6 and ht_v7 tags

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I would prefer something simple and generic : v6 v7

When you want to write a tag you don’t need to think how to write it. The risk if the tag name is complicated is to get a lot of different names.

Except for ladies, short is better

These are tags for the"hos tos" tags…
We must are these equivalents tags for othersm"section" or the wiki… else, each wiki page will appear e everywhere!!!

Please go to look how works the wiki of contribs.org.

This is the equivalent of the tag of our wiki

It is an old wiki with at least five different versions, sure that you might take some ideas.

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