The strange is I have done this before when I first time did try nethservers VPN server and I did can connect to VPN and did ping (even SSH) VPN servern but that all.
Now I just can connect so I maybe delete the server again and create a new one.
I did follow this guide
Now try checking “Route All Traffic through VPN” and download the configuration file again.
You can try to check “LZO Compression” but I’ve had some issues with this option checked.
Tip: If you use OpenVPN client on Windows, start it in administrator mode (click with right butto of the mouse on the OpenVPN icon -> Start as administrator) otherwise OpenVPN fails to create the correct routes.
The first step is after that is give me timeout
ohh now when I’m home I running the OpenVPN client on windows 7 machine.
Thanks to the idea to use Another client I have now easy access to the remote LAN thru VPN
So when I run “tracert” I get only one jump and that is to
same result even when I trying with “tracert” so it is no DNS problem.
I did try for fun to use putty to connect to the nethserver and from there do a ping and when I do that everything looks nice.
So it is the client machine that have no access out to the internet, only the remote LAN.
I didn’t follow the whole topic but as far as I understand you can connect to the VPN server (Nethserver) and you can ping it. But you cannot reach anything that is behind it.
My first thought is: Firewall issue? Do you have a firewall installed on the Nethserver? What happens if you (temporary) allow everything from and to your VPN-Range?
The OP reaches all devices in the remote LAN via VPN (Nethserver, various devices on the LAN).
He wants to use the VPN to route all internet (navigation, etc…) to the remote LAN, but it doesn’t seem to work.
But I have talk to my friend and the importen is he can access his file from remote, is not importen right now to use the VPN to make secure internet when he is on a open wifi.