(Alessio Fattorini)
September 13, 2016, 1:00pm
Ehi @devonshirechris welcome to NethServer to community!
Thanks for asking I suggest taking a look at these past discussions, we have covered such topic many times.
There is no need to upgrade you’re already safe with the current php version
Owncloud 9 has been relased.
there is a plan to update it on NS?
Any chances on an update to owncloud 8.x?
BTW In NethServer 7 we have already NextCloud 10
How about use NEXTCLOUD instead of owncloud in NS7?
may be it will be better?
Originally published at: [nextcloud_logo]
Nextcloud is a new open source project that makes a private cloud platform at your home. The objective is to give people back control over their data. As Frank Karlitschek (the founder) announced on 2 June 2016, it was born as a fork of the well-known OwnCloud project to reboot it in a better way.
As OwnCloud, Nextcloud is a web application to store data in your own private machine i…