Community updates on 24 July 2024
- Update dns servers on chilli.conf (#193)
Migration of Nextcloud 27.1.11 - NethServer/dev#6964
A failed connection to OpenLDAP breaks the migration - Bug NethServer/dev#6985
Improve LDAP configuration and authentication consistency - NethServer/nethsecurity#627
Fix image download URL for subscriptions (#40)
Merge pull request #10 from NethServer/sdl-6999
Migration: firewall rules with “Any” service migrate incorrectly as empty “Custom Service” - Bug NethServer/nethsecurity#727
Migration: firewall rules not converted to guest zone - Bug NethServer/nethsecurity#726
mattermost: migration cannot be finished - Bug NethServer/dev#7005
Create admin account for NS7 migration - NethServer/dev#6994
routes: suppress warning if device is not set
firewall-migrate: sleep before image write (#45), avoid kernel corruption on in-place upgrade
openvpn: do not ignore users without ‘status’ prop coming from NS6 (#44)
Migration: OpenVPN Road Warrior certificate not exported if CN contains the dot char - Bug NethServer/nethsecurity#794
Migration: FlashStart not enabled on guest/blue interface - Bug NethServer/nethsecurity#792
Migration: rules with custom zones not correctly migrated - Bug NethServer/nethsecurity#789
Migration: wrong zone for OpenVPN and IPSec custom rules - Bug NethServer/nethsecurity#788
Migration: incorrect reflection_zone and IPsec settings in port forward rule - Bug NethServer/nethsecurity#787
Migration: Unable to complete with disabled applications - Bug NethServer/dev#7037
Webtop Pecbridge component - NethServer/dev#6984
Migration: DHCP domain option not honoured - Bug NethServer/nethsecurity#857
Migration: root password authentication flag incorrectly displayed inside the UI - Bug NethServer/nethsecurity#806
Download correct image with subscription enabled
Do not fail export if VPN is not installed
Joining multiple NS7 systems with the same account provider to NS8 fails - Bug NethServer/dev#7111
Webtop NS8 migration validation error - Bug NethServer/dev#7085
Migration tool blindly removes external user domain - NethServer/dev#7199
NS6 (7) OpenLDAP migration failed - NethServer/dev#7101
Rename of directory.nh for multiple migrations - NethServer/dev#7103
Updates suspended after failed NS7 migration attempt - NethServer/dev#7192
Migration: PPPoE alias import fails with invalid argument error - NethServer/nethsecurity#913
Migration: error during OpenVPN tunnel migration due to missing ‘topology’ key - NethServer/nethsecurity#889
In-place migrate: do not drop caches (#56)
dhcp: improve minimum lease time
Migration: prevent app migration to nodes with allocated ports - NethServer/dev#7226
NS7 join fails if user domain directory.nh exists - NethServer/dev#7222
Browser page refresh leads to Start migration button again - NethServer/dev#7239
Nethvoice: install nethvoice proxy as a migration dependency - NethServer/dev#7221