Update of 7.6.1810 fails

Hi you all,
This solution was very usefull some time ago, but now, on other server, it doesn’t work:

I have 7.6.1810 (final) works very fine, but yum update report “Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: ce-base/7/x86_64” even after try your fix.


yum update --disablerepo=ce-base,ce-extras,ce-sclo-rh,ce-sclo-sclo,ce-updates,nethforge,nethser
I was able to use yum with epel only

curl ‘http://mirrorlist.nethserver.org/?release=7&repo=updates&arch=x86_64&nsrelease=


But I’m on 7.6.1810

I really don’t know what I’ve to do or where the mess was started.

I think that there are some problems in the CentOS repositories, NethServer can’t control those repos (that’s why the Subscription program has its repositories).
I successfully bypassed your problem repeating the yum command many times.
It seems that CentOS is working on a fix, but it needs to propagate to all mirrors.

If I understand correctly the following commands should upgrade your 7.6 system to the latest NS version (7.9.2009).

:warning: Upgrades across multiple versions is not a tested procedure: the system should be updated periodically.

Before proceeding, read the release notes

yum install -y http://mirror.nethserver.org/nethserver/nethserver-release-7.rpm
signal-event software-repos-save
yum update -y

U rigth! I just try again and now, it works… Very very strange! :slight_smile:

Yes tnx, maybe the update it will be ok, but I’m a little bit scared because of the version update. I solved simply waiting and retray.

I am having exactly the same problem. I was concerned that maybe 7.6.1810 was no longer supported. I guess I will just keep trying as well. Thanks for the question and information!

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