Unable to update to 7.7

NethServer Version: 7.6.1810 (final)

I want to update all Nethservers to 7.7. So far everything went fine through Software Center, but the final Nethserver got stubborn and I’m not able to update through Software Center. There is no option available in Software Center to update to 7.7 version and I don’t know if is possible to do the update manually.
Any suggestions?


Check you have installed/updated nethserver-subscription package.

yum install nethserver-subscription
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After installing nethserver-subscription I was able to update to 7.7, but the new interface is not available. How can I install the new interface?



type https://yournethserver.whateverdomain:9090 or https://ipofyournethserver:9090 in your webbrowser.
Then you can work with the new interface (cockpit).



I get a timeout message when trying to access port 9090. Is there way to reinstall it? Or maybe firewall was not updated?
I didn’t mention before that the update didn’t work from the GUI. I had an error message. I updated Nethserver with yum update.

Have you checked the log for the error message?
signal-event software-repos-upgrade takes a long time.

You could check if the package is listed on Software Center, or install it from the command line:

yum install nethserver-cockpit

Solved the problem!

Thank you!

A post was split to a new topic: Unable to updata to 7.7 - ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve (PackageKit)