Ultimate ns7 software updates origin policy

Hard words my friend and IMO completely wrong. An opensource project needs to have a fundamental and reliable business model to survive. A lot of OSS-projects have such business models, most of them are selling the support and/or stable repos. Again I want to mention proxmox. It is licensed under AGPL and it’s business modell is exactly what I said above (subscription repo + support). So no violation with GPL or FOSS and defenitely no extorsion. :wink:
FOSS/Opensource doesn’t mean that it’s forbidden to earn money with it or that it has to be free of charge. @medworthy has given some well-founded comments on that here

But I admit that I choose my words in a provocantively way.

PS: And I apologize that I have forgotten to give a like to this article of medworthy until today. But now it’s done :+1: