Try out NethServer 7 alpha2 ISO!

Hey before I start learning nethserver 7 does it come with samba 3 or 4? My goal would be to use it as a sbs solution replacing server 2003.

I was set on playing with centos but since ns7 came out it seems that it could be better for my needs.

ns7 should ship samba4 with DC functionality. The work on this has just been started.

Upstream samba4 packages are already included in alpha2 but no DC support.

There is no way to make it work without driver disk :wink:

Right, we didn’t rebranded the CentOS name. It can be done inside Anaconda but we must replace the main python class, probably doesn’t worth it.

Yes, it’s due to the updates. We have plans to avoid cache download from the Software Center but we need to do some tests.

Thank you! :smiley:

Happy to see you jumping directly to the action :slight_smile: Keep it up, we need your knowledge as skilled centos sysadmin. :+1:

I’ve always been curious about these people’s tests: @islipfd19 @dz00te @drivemeca @Adam @GG_jr @ibinetwork @syntaxerrormmm @Crazyusb

Ok, downloading now for testing

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testing alpha ISO,
It seems that fetchmail not work at all.
Here is the log.

Feb 17 11:03:44 [info] Shutting down fetchmail: [FAILED]
Feb 17 11:03:44 [info] Starting fetchmail: [ OK ]
Feb 17 11:03:44 [info] starting fetchmail 6.3.24 daemon
Feb 17 11:03:54 [info] Shutting down fetchmail: [FAILED]
Feb 17 11:03:54 [info] Starting fetchmail: [ OK ]
Feb 17 11:03:54 [info] starting fetchmail 6.3.24 daemon


It’s a known bug, it’s clearly stated here: :smile:

Ops :grimacing:

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Don’t worry @filippo_carletti is still looking for a volunteer experimenting with getmail :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you wanna help?

Why not?
What can I do?

Bummer! We can’t win :frowning: they request php5 (>= 5.4)

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Hello all, I found some problems in the new version 7.2 during tests, things are not working well.

  1. Module Printers:
    Server not found
    Page cups don’t open

  2. Module SOGo:
    Not send the message when clicked on the send button.

  3. Application Webtop:
    Don’t work with Google Chrome Browser. I guess it’s because Java.

  4. Service webvirtmgr:
    Service enabled, but don’t start.

  5. Module IPS management:
    Task completed with errors
    ’#(exit status)

Someone had these problems?

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I can’t reproduce the problem.
Please paste the output of:

 systemctl status cups
 rpm -q nethserver-cups

Java is only on server-side not client-side. Please check if tomcat is running and if there were any problems during the install phase.

Please, post the relevant part from /var/log/messages or systemctl status webvirtmgr.

I can reproduce this after trying to enable snort. The error is due to pulledpork, give me some time, I will open a bug for this.
Edit: also snort is not started by systemd.

Thanks your help and attention Giacomo.
Follow the output of these problems.

I can’t reproduce the problem.
Please paste the output of:

systemctl status cups
rpm -q nethserver-cups

Java is only on server-side not client-side. Please check if tomcat is
running and if there were any problems during the install phase.

Please, post the relevant part from /var/log/messages or systemctl status webvirtmgr.

Strange, no problems here. Although it seems to be a little bit quirky if the mail-domain=server-domain.
could you try to double klick on the sent button once ?
Does it work if you setup one mail-domain <> server-domain?

Hi Mark, how are you?

Could you please pass me the procedure used to configure your mail server na versão 7.2? Maybe I’m doing something wrong.

I thank you for your help and attention.


I’m just a enthusiast and silently committed to test the mail-server/SOGo

configuration is straight forward:
Email > Domain : CREATE NEW “” > Deliver locally

(At first) the rest can kept to default
more info:


Thank you Mark, I’ll redo the process and test again.

Best regards,

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On second sight, sending mail from sogo web-ui does fail sometimes.
I’ve raised an issue and (within limits of time) am investigating

Its caused by faulty DNS settings:

from mail log:

neth transfer/smtpd[23861]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from localhost[]: 504 5.5.2 <localhost>: Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname;

smtp port 587 requires a good DNS record, So check your DNS settings;
If you use a fake mail domain (eg mail.test) set this as a server alias