Hi to all,
Maybe this can help somebody.
I have not tested so I don’t know if it works.
Hi to all,
Maybe this can help somebody.
I have not tested so I don’t know if it works.
i’ll try maybe, when got time. And post some link about same tools, when remind where i put this info… If need help try me by my mail or skype, i’ll be glad to help.
Some good news: TeslaCrypt shuts down and Releases Master Decryption Key
So now, in addition to the decryption of .ecc, .ezz, .exx, .xyz, .zzz, .aaa, .abc, .ccc and .vvv files, TeslaDecoder (zip file) gets better support and eases the decryption of files with the .xxx, .ttt, .micro, .mp3 extension, or encrypted files without an extension.
Some more decryption tools were released: The Week in Ransomware - May 20 2016
Not new, but useful to ID(entify) Ransomware
Some security researches compiled a list of ransomware information in a nice Google Spreadsheet: Ransomware Overview
Also available in .xlsx (Excel) and .ods (OpenDocument: LibreOffice/OpenOffice) formats.
A new decrypter tool (this time for the ApocalypseVM ransomware) was added to the
Emsisoft decrypter’s repository
Hi guys,
One of my colleagues discovered this.
May be helpful.
I didn’t test it.
I add this: