Transparent HTTPS proxy

CentOS 7.3 hasn’t been officially released, but the new packages are already available in the cr repo.
So, here it is how to test the new Transparent HTTPS proxy.

Installation (both new systems or updates):

  1. download packages

  2. update/install squid
    yum --enablerepo=cr install squid

  3. install ufdbGuard (the new filter)
    yum install

  4. install packages

    tar -xvf https_url_filter.tar.gz
    yum install nethserver-squid*rpm

Substitute install with update if necessary. :slight_smile:

Known limitations:

  • Transparent URL filtering on HTTPS websites can only block whole domains, because ufdbGuard can only receive the domain name, not the full URL
  • Redirected HTTPS sites show the standard NethServer page instead of the block page