Translation of online help files

We should arrange the translation of online help files now. They are “.rst” files (reStructuredText format). I don’t know if Transifex is the right tool here; perhaps GitHub fits the bill.

I don’t know if it’s possibile and how much effort is expected but cotinue to use Transifex should be cool and helpful.
People are at ease with Transifex so working on it could be really smooth.
In case do you have any hint to start quickly on this directly on github?

I tested Transifex support for wiki format, but is not workable with .rst files.

This is a quick kickstart procedure for Spanish, Russian, Greek (and more will come):

  • Fork nethserver-lang
  • List of .rst sources:<user>/nethserver-lang/tree/help/locale/<language>/help
  • Click on one item and edit it directly on GitHub interface
  • Commit and open a Pull Request

For a complete list of ready to fork languages see