I can only say I fully agree with your view and comments.
It’s why we try to create a welcoming atmosphere in our community. It’s why we encourage members to ask questions. No matter if they are technical, or user level.
We pride ourselves to have an inclusive community where everybody is welcome.
This come to maybe an option to add to our forums: we already have a “testimonials” section/tag
Maybe a “usecase” section could be an option to fill in the gap between a support question and a Howto.
It is a beneficial experience to feel understood and not to feel uncomfortable in the role of troublemaker. Thank you very much for your comment.
I use ndpi as serviceobjects in firewall rules:
I use the free license shipped with Nethserver. No need to buy a commercial license of ntop.
See here:
switched back to the topic: Firewall - time based access for host groups
I think this is a nice idea.
cc @alefattorini
What do you think?
We have many of them here: https://community.nethserver.org/c/testimonals
We can use an additional tag for the category to define usecases
Today I renewed my Crostino subscription and will do the same for other productive (non-commercial) servers.
Still for me it is more a donation to support the development of this wonderful system. However, I had avoided activating the subscription so as not to lose access to the community modules.
So it may be that I did not notice what improvements were made.
So here is my question: What improvements to increase the added value of the Crostino license or to make it more noticeable have been initiated and implemented in the last year?
Thank you for your support, It is very appreciated!
During last year, there weren’t any significant changes on how subscriptions work