Talking about Subscription program

My two cents of what’s “lack” into most of the support requests that are brought to Discourse:

  • short question. No details, no network structure, no data. Only the issue reported. Sometimes seems a user asking, not a system integrator, or a technician, or a network administrator… Lacking of context, info, detailed structure with mind flow which leads to “this is the problem”. Take a look here of a little “developed” topic look here. I have a different way to write down questions and asks of support… Example1 and Example2 but maybe it’s not the correct one
  • lacking of info written down into the first post, lots of people need to figure it how the current network and application environment is, so there’s quite a lot of time needed to guess and hoping that theories are correct for who’s asking
  • sometimes (more than some) something is wrong into environment construction OR there’s really a problem/bug into NethServer (community is quite a huge way to find points to polish and shine features, UI, user cases. Again example… in that case luckily i was sure enough that’s nothing i did were wrong, so it has to be a bug, but not every time happens
  • except for subscribers, community is not “Server HelpDesk”. Most of people anyway try to support other ones which are having troubles, but it’s not all the tasks/issues are interesting the same. And as far as i can see, supportive people (outside Nethesis partners) are granted by attention and support from other one which received help. But you cannot assume that every topic will be interesting as the same for everyone. Sometimes it’s just a matter of try, made mistakes, read the logs, learn what you did wrong, try again. And not everyone wants to do this.

Community is a place for talk, understand, learn, find something new. It’s used for discussing howto, development goals, new interesting software. Some NethForge info are written here, but most reliable source are the same one: NethServer Documentation (which can be flagged for update and correction here) and the Wiki.