Some points to be discussed in the next Community hangouts

Hi guys,
If you don’t mind i can propose some points to be discussed in the hangout.
I really appreciate if you will bring your ideas and comments into this. The whole point is that we can make NS a great solution if we collaborate and share our thoughts.
And from experience i now that more ideas are better that just one.

  • where NS is now and what we are going for? solution wise.
    set the "All in one " or special purpose goal, with versatility in mind. Could be both options or a mix of options (see below the template solution)

  • discuss the features that make the NS available in the “market”, and improve them so the base line is rock solid.
    we must set the base line options / services / features, that the users will need to see as viable in any other solution (more easy for NS to be adopted)

  • discuss the features that will make NS competitive between other solutions (not competition as money, but as user choice) The extra features that will put NS on the same level with the rest of solutions
    Set / find the main features that the users need, and work in having them put into NS.
    Also a good policy is to not be closed up on the: “this is how we do things” motto.
    If we identify something useful we should see if it is ok to adopt and adapt into NS

  • discuss the features that will push NS on top (LTSP, Desktop integration, HA, etc)
    seek other features that are not easily on the “market” and try to bring them to NS so that more users will begin looking into NS. like HA, or OVD integration or LTSP

  • see what we need to adapt in order to be easier to switch from other solution to NS (it has to be easy to use NS after you have used anything else)
    The usability of the UI and the logic of the commands have to be easy for the user to understand and follow. if we change radically the way of thinking and the way the configuration has to be performed, could turn out that only some users are able to configure/ follow the logic of the NS configuration procedure.

  • propose some templates at first install for the user to choose (gateway, gateway+proxy+AV, gateway+mail,
    gateway+web+mail, mail +AD, Everything or Custom, etc)
    this could be useful in reducing the first configuration complexity

  • provide internet access from install time so it will get all the updates before setup.

  • install + set option to restore from config file (usb or cloud) so that a previous setup could be replicated “instant on”

  • provide more easy way for self hosting: mail, web, dns
    This is a role that will make the NS more independent. The users will not have to have other service/machines to complete the setup. (more into the “All In One” approach)

  • set a scenario for disaster recovery on bare metal

  • set a scenario for business continuity
    Those two options are very important business wise since everybody is working with data. If NS can provide those requirements it will be a plus value to be adopted in small and medium businesses. Even if you are using NS at home or office you value more your data than anything else. And to provide a easy way to continue work after a incident is what businesses are looking for.

  • create alternative tool(s) for managing users/groups (like windows AD mmc, or Zentyal etc) something to be more familiar to administrators.
    Maybe integration with Apache directory studio or Ldap Administrator or etc to be more easy to administrate and to do day-to-day task. Add users. Remove users, Modify users etc

Please add your notes on this. and we can set the more relevant points to be discussed first.
Those are just my opinions and are in no way imposed. they are gathered from day to day business and experience.

Best regards


I find the propose of @Ctek very interesting.
Probably all the arguments may not be discussed on 30 minutes, so I think they could be splitted into 2 or 3 hangouts possibly closer than once a month.
I propose to plan the first 2 point on thursday and eventually also the third if there is time available.

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Good points, we can gather all potential topics here and discuss them one by one in the next hangouts

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