[Solved] Unbound service problem: service doesn't start

Hi Mathias.
IPv6 is not disabled by default on NethServer. You can find this out with:

ip a | grep inet6                # IPv6 enabled if returns any IPv6 address
sysctl -a | grep disable_ipv6    # IPv6 disabled if settings equals 1

Unbound doesnt start, IPv6 deaktivieren and unbound flooding syslog with ‘sendto failed: Cannot assign requested address’ links suggest the error could be due to IPv6 being disabled, and provide a solution by specifying interface: in unbound config, but this setting is already applied by nethserver.

unbound[6913]: Oct 24 23:25:39 unbound[6913:0] error: cannot open control interface ::1 8953

Same is suggested for control-interface option when unbound remote control is enabled (enabled by default by upstream Unbound package and by NethServer but control-interface not explicitly specified).

If IPv6 was disabled (and must remain that way) by any particular reason, do-ip6: no unbound option could be of use.

/var/log/messages and jounalctl -u unbound might provide more clues about why the service does not start.

When trying any of the unbound options remember the conf file is templated.