[Solved] Lets encrypt trouble to renew

After time away on the forum, although reading regularly, I have a new problem , yet another one -_-
Yesterday, was my certificate renew but it did not work, having a little searched why, but I did not find a solution , all that I could find a bit of explanation, letsencrypt request a challenge but does not reply
So if any one has hint, idea or solution I’m interested :slight_smile:

Try to execute the script from command line using the -v option. Then paste the output😉

Sorry I have forget it last night, so the output of the command is that

 [root@zazo ~]# /usr/libexec/nethserver/letsencrypt-certs -v
/usr/sbin/letsencrypt.sh --cron  --config /etc/letsencrypt.sh/config.sh  -d zazo.snalis.org  -d recuputil.saint-nazaire.cc  -d repo.snalis.org  -d saint-nazaire.cc  -d snalis.org  -d webmail.snalis.org 
# INFO: Using main config file /etc/letsencrypt.sh/config.sh
Processing zazo.snalis.org with alternative names: recuputil.saint-nazaire.cc repo.snalis.org saint-nazaire.cc snalis.org webmail.snalis.org
 + Checking domain name(s) of existing cert... changed!
 + Domain name(s) are not matching!
 + Names in old certificate: d3e.snalis.org initiativeslocales.saint-nazaire.cc lenoyau.org monnaie.saint-nazaire.cc recuputil.saint-nazaire.cc repo.snalis.org saint-nazaire.cc snalis.org webmail.snalis.org www.lenoyau.org zazo.snalis.org
 + Configured names: recuputil.saint-nazaire.cc repo.snalis.org saint-nazaire.cc snalis.org webmail.snalis.org zazo.snalis.org
 + Forcing renew.
 + Checking expire date of existing cert...
 + Valid till May 26 17:12:00 2016 GMT (Less than 30 days). Renewing!
 + Signing domains...
 + Generating signing request...
 + Requesting challenge for zazo.snalis.org...

See if this helps…

According to Bug #824903:

Recently letsencrypt.org changed to return pretty json with lots of newlines. This breaks
various sed-based json parsing code in the distributed version of letsencrypt.sh

The symptom is that ‘letsencrypt.sh --cron’ silently exits after printing

+ Requesting challenge for <servername>

The “official” fix:

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Thanks, after a bit of search in issue, I’ve found this useful, I
just needed to replace the line 369 with challenges="$(printf ‘%s\n’
"${response}" | sed ‘:a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g’ | sed -n
and it work again. :+1:

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Good you found the solution; that was fast! :rocket:
I’m sure this will be fixed shortly in the NethServer’s Let’s Encrypt implementation :innocent:

I will fix it next week.
Thanks for finding the bug and the solution!

I just created a new issue ready for QA:

The bug should be resolved (already tested on a 6.7), but @Crazyusb can you pleas give it a try on your machine?


I just test and got

INFO: Using main config file /etc/letsencrypt.sh/config.sh

ERROR: WELLKNOWN directory doesn’t exist, please create /etc/letsencrypt.sh/.acme-challenges and set appropriate permissions.

Your template /etc/letsencrypt.sh/config.sh is not expanded.

Please, make sure you have installed latest release of nethserver-letsencrypt:

Otherwise, execute:

expand-template /etc/letsencrypt.sh/config.sh

Then retry to renew :slight_smile:

Working great :wink: thanks

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