SOGO natives rpm-Support?

Hello everybody!

I’ve looked at gewrade at something, and discovered that there are very probably still. Rpm packages for RedHead 7.

Centos is binary compatible for RH?

So should the access to ready compiled versions of SOGo give, or I think too easy?

For me, SOGo is up to WebTOP egeal which version has all the necessary features.

Defined as minimum for the following:

  • MultiEmail account
  • WebDAV and CalDav
  • German language support


IIRC rpm nightly builds are available to anyone, but not official/stable releases (suscribers only).

Oh, I’ve read that.

Already funny that you get nightly version for RedHead, always thought RedHead wants to use only stable versions …

But thanks to our coordinators, we have a current version :wink:

Thank you!

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You have you to thank @mark_nl for that.