NethServer Version: newest
Module: Active Directory behind DynDNS
Hello ns8-Community!
We own a company in Paraguay with an office (headquarter) at our little farm. We need Starlink for communication and internet. Actually we test a fixed IP from a VPN-supplier, because fixed IP from Starlink is very expensive.
I started our ns8-project with a VPS-Server in US for Active-Directory, Mailserver and some applications. Working fine and impressive!
Samba could not be installed, but this is o.k.!
Second step was a node on our Proxmox-Server in-house behind Starlink and TP-Link Router (managed by Omada) without the fixed IP. Connection to the main-node is also fine!
My plan was to get AD in-house with Samba, so I could bind PC’s, Laptops, Printers etc. to the AD, but I am not able to get this functionality installed and configured. Perhaps this is not foreseen in this way?
Next step should be to connect our office in Asunción and home-workers to the headquarter via VPN or more nodes at subsidiaries (no fixed IP).
How could I have AD with Samba without fixed IP at our headquarter? Perhaps we should bind the fixed IP to NethSecurity and run ns8 behind this firewall as main-node?
Thanks for your help and ideas.