Shorewall - Error (6010) in the line 20

Thanks to all of you! Just filed a bug here


Can you please mark the right answer as solution.

No answer provides a workaround ATM… (@filippo_carletti proposed a solution)

Maybe connect by disabling SSH X11 forwarding…

Yeah! Filippo_Carletti solve a workaround.
In the file:

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I change the command, because show a * in the end of the line:

ss -nlp4t | grep sshd | grep -v | awk 2809 | cut -d’:’ -f 2 | cut -d" " -f1

Feel free to fork nethserver-firewall-base repository and open a pull request!

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Wow, great catch! You’re capable of pulling many :rabbit: :rabbit: out of the :tophat:

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@Rodrigo_Vieira_da_Co the package is testing repository.
Would like to try it?


yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing update nethserver-firewall-base*
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Yeah! I will try

@giacomo It worked!thanks!

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