SFTPgo directory not found

Ok, I found the solution.

It is completely inconsequential to define any local folders within WebAdmin. They are not physically created. That’s why I searched for these directories without success.

What was a missing intermediate step: I have to create a folder as user “sftpgo_marko” in the WebClient (!) under My Files. I was able to place a file there.
I then found the folder and file in the console.

Conclusion: The user guides are really urgently needed. Without them, semi-“professional” users like me are at a loss.

root@ns8:/home/webserver1/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes/websites/_data/sftpgo_marko/stftp_marko_dir# ls -lsa
insgesamt 128468
     4 drwxr-xr-x 2 webserver1 webserver1      4096 11. Mär 18:53 .
     4 drwxr-xr-x 3 webserver1 webserver1      4096 11. Mär 18:53 ..
128460 -rw-r--r-- 1 webserver1 webserver1 131539371 11. Mär 09:57 dw-backup-20240311-082412.tar.bz2

Thank you for YOUR PATIENCE