Server error squid - Content Filter Lists - Black list

Good Spanish language install the server and when I get into the web content filtering option and the option filter within said server error and get the following code to put on works perfect English if the problem only exists with the Spanish language

[[“Tf0a2af2d”,[]],[“T3b788595”,false],[“Tcf06805d”,“disabled”],[“T7d1da57e”,“enabled”],[“T05716f78”,null],[“T39d12b4a”,null],[“Tbb93a822”,null],[“T175d53db”,null],[“T999be6f3”,null],[“Te3f87a0e”,"/es-ES/ContentFilter"],[“T35778120”,"/es-ES/ContentFilter/Filters/create"],[“T133fe74f”,[[“enabled”,“Bloquear todo, permitir el contenido seleccionado”],[“disabled”,“Permitir todo, bloquear el contenido seleccionado”]]],[“T405cce1f”,[[“aggressive”,“Agresivo”],[“alcohol”,“Alcohol”],[“adv”,“Anuncios”],[“astronomy”,“Astronomy”],[“automobile”,“Automobile”],[“banking”,“Banking”],[“library”,“Biblioteca”],[“bikes”,“Bikes”],[“boats”,“Boats”],[“cars”,“Cars”],[“chat”,“Chat”],[“chemistry”,“Chemistry”],[“cooking”,“Cooking”],[“costtraps”,“Costtraps”],[“dating”,“Dating”],[“drugs”,“Drugs”],[“dynamic”,“Dynamic”],[“education”,“Education”],[“education”,“Education”],[“finance”,“Finance”],[“fortunetelling”,“Fortunetelling”],[“forum”,“Forum”],[“gamble”,“Gamble”],[“games-misc”,“Games-misc”],[“games-online”,“Games-online”],[“gardening”,“Gardening”],[“government”,“Government”],[“hacking”,“Hacking”],[“hobby”,“Hobby”],[“homestyle”,“Homestyle”],[“hospitals”,“Hospitales”],[“humor”,“Humor”],[“imagehosting”,“Imagehosting”],[“insurance”,“Insurance”],[“isp”,“Isp”],[“jobsearch”,“Jobsearch”],[“lingerie”,“Lingerie”],[“martialarts”,“Martialarts”],[“military”,“Military”],[“models”,“Models”],[“moneylending”,“Moneylending”],[“movies”,“Movies”],[“music”,“M\u00fasica”],[“news”,“Noticias”],[“other”,“Other”],[“pets”,“Pets”],[“planes”,“Planes”],[“podcasts”,“Podcasts”],[“politics”,“Pol\u00edtica”],[“porn”,“Porn”],[“redirector”,“Proxy”],[“radiotv”,“Radiotv”],[“realestate”,“Realestate”],[“recreation”,“Recreation”],[“religion”,“Religion”],[“remotecontrol”,“Remotecontrol”],[“restaurants”,“Restaurants”],[“ringtones”,“Ringtones”],[“schools”,“Schools”],[“science”,“Science”],[“searchengines”,“Searchengines”],[“sex”,“Sex”],[“shopping”,“Shopping”],[“socialnet”,“Socialnet”],[“sports”,“Sports”],[“spyware”,“Spyware”],[“tracker”,“Tracker”],[“trading”,“Trading”],[“travel”,“Travel”],[“updatesites”,“Updatesites”],[“urlshortener”,“Urlshortener”],[“violence”,“Violence”],[“anonvpn”,null],[“warez”,“Warez”],[“weapons”,“Weapons”],[“webmail”,“Webmail”],[“webphone”,“Webphone”],[“webradio”,“Webradio”],[“webtv”,“Webtv”],[“wellness”,“Wellness”],[“downloads”,"\u0417\u0430\u0433\u0440\u0443\u0437\u043a\u0430"]]],[“COMMANDS”,{“0”:{“R”:“ContentFilter_Filters_create”,“M”:“setMandatoryFields”,“A”:[{“ContentFilter_Filters_create_name”:true,“ContentFilter_Filters_create_BlockAll”:true,“ContentFilter_Filters_create_BlockIpAccess”:true,“ContentFilter_Filters_create_BlockFileTypes”:true,“ContentFilter_Filters_create_WhiteList”:true,“ContentFilter_Filters_create_BlackList”:true,“ContentFilter_Filters_create_Categories”:false,“ContentFilter_Filters_create_Description”:false}]},“1”:{“R”:“ContentFilter_Filters_create”,“M”:“setMandatoryFields”,“A”:[{“ContentFilter_Filters_create_name”:true,“ContentFilter_Filters_create_BlockAll”:true,“ContentFilter_Filters_create_BlockIpAccess”:true,“ContentFilter_Filters_create_BlockFileTypes”:true,“ContentFilter_Filters_create_WhiteList”:true,“ContentFilter_Filters_create_BlackList”:true,“ContentFilter_Filters_create_Categories”:false,“ContentFilter_Filters_create_Description”:false}]},“2”:{“R”:“ContentFilter_Filters_create”,“M”:“prefetched”,“A”:[]},“3”:{“R”:“ContentFilter_Filters_create”,“M”:“show”,“A”:[]}}],[“STATE”,“1a47bfb3f33caa70a1361d93214b8f5b”]]

[2] json_encode(): Invalid UTF-8 sequence in argument

See the system log for details.

You are using Shalla (free for noncommercial use)?

If you are using Shalla, downloading shallalist.tar.gz in there a file called “global_usage” within modules are translations but are in this state:

NAME: adv
OFF ON: All about advertising: This includes sites offering banners and banner creation sites as well as delivering banners to be shown in webpages and advertising companies.
DESC: Werbe- und Markeingseiten: beinhaltet Seiten, sowie auch die Werbebanner einblenden Werbefirmen.
DESC FR: Vente et Advertise ©: comprend des cÃŽtà © s, they banniÚres publicitaires INSA © rer ainsi Qu'a © galement publicitaires entreprises.
DESC RU: Ð Ðμ ?? d ?? Ñ Ñ ?? ÐμкР»Ð ° ÐŒÐμ: Ñ ?? ?? Ñ Ð» Ñ Ñ ?? ?? гО пП Dyd · DZD ÐœÐžÑ ?? °, пÑ? ? ПЎРжÐμ DZ ° Ñ ÐμÐ · ÐŒÐμÑ ?? ?? ?? ÐμÐœÐžÑ Ð ± Ð ° ММÐμÑ ÐŸÐ² ??, ?? ÐμÐºÐ Ñ "Ð ° Ðμ ÐŒÐœÑ ?? кПЌпР° МОО.
NAME IN: Advertisements
NAME OF: Werbung
NAME FR: Annonces
NAME IT: PubblicitÃ
NAME NL: Claim
NAME PT: Advertising
RU NAME: ÐμкРР»Ð ° doed °

NAME: aggressive
OFF ON: Sites With aggressive content: such as racism and hate speech.
DESC: Agressive Inhalte wie Rassismus, Beleidungen, Hassreden.
DESC FR: Quelques sites raçistes, antisa © mites, inçitant he Hatred.
DESC RU: СР° Ñ Ð¹Ñ ?? ??, ?? Ñ ÐŸÐŽÐμÑ Ð¶Ð ° Ñ ?? ?? ?? ОÐμ ÐžÐœÑ DYN doed ° Ñ ?? ?? ?? DzN DZD doed ° Ñ ?? "?? Ñ Ñ Ñ ?? ?? ?? вÐμММПгП Ñ Ð ° Ñ Ð ° ÐºÑ ?? ?? ?? ÐμÑ Ð °, Ð¿Ñ Ñ ?? ?? DZD · вР° Ñ? ? ?? ОÐμ к Ñ Ñ Ð ° Ñ ?? ?? ?? DZD · doen, ÐœÐμМР° Ñ ?? ?? Ð²ÐžÑ DZ.
NAME IN: Aggressive
NAME OF: Aggressiv
NAME IT: aggressività
NAME NL: Aggressief
NAME PT: Aggressive
NAME IS: Aggressive
RU NAME: Ð Ð ° Ñ ?? ?? DZD »ÐžÐμ

This is causing the failure NethServer We can fix by replacing the file.

global-usage Fixed momentary

This is the route: /var/squidGuard/blacklists

If you want you use Filezilla with sftp link to easily access routes NethServer and do file transfers

Regards @hgeorge123

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Another workaround is to set the server-manager interface to English.

Well who wants to have the interface in English with no problem, however, and report them to Shalla Secure Services (info at for verification and correction global_usage.

I recommend using: Université Toulouse (Free) @hgeorge123

Until the team can correct Shalla global_usage

Regards :coffee:

1 Like
  Just tested this on our systems. The content of the file showed fine in
  cyrillic symbols. I don't know if this helps, but we have the following
  entries in our .vimrc:

set enc=utf-8
set fileencoding=utf-8
set fileencodings=utf8

  Kind Regards,

  Christine Kronberg.

Christine Kronberg
Shalla Secure Services KG     
Lulu-Beck-Weg 24
82131 Gauting
Tel: +49-89-72459421                    Fax: +49-89-9040615-7002
Amtsgericht Muenchen HRA 94996

if I open the file with an editor using UTF-8 is displayed normal json.php have been reviewing the file and do not see anything strange.

NethServer uses default “virc not vimrc”


I’m trying to blacklist tolouse University and works perfect thanks

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Perfect! Is a bug shalla use UTF-8 i’m verify this bug

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@davidep @giacomo the Package nethserver-lang-es.noarch when installing does not create the folder “es” in /usr/share/nethesis/NethServer/Language and in /usr/share/nethesis/Nethgui/Language

I reviewed everything and is perfect in other languages and have these folders are created

is this a bug in the language pack?

Spanish and Italian do an exception with installation paths; please look under




The “Override” namespace was introduced with language packs to avoid RPM file conflicts with already existing translations.

Maybe /var/log/messages or /var/log/httpd-admin/error_log give further infos, such as file and line that generated the error.

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/var/log/httpd-admin/error_log 2 resultados filtrados
/var/log/messages Un resultado filtrado
/var/log/secure Un resultado filtrado

Jul 21 00:26:49 RMG-FIREWALL sudo: srvmgr : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/usr/share/nethesis/nethserver-manager ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/e-smith/logviewer -p Invalid UTF-8 sequence in argument /var/log/secure

[Sun Jun 21 04:31:13 2015] [error] [client] PHP Warning: json_encode(): Invalid UTF-8 sequence in argument in /usr/share/nethesis/Nethgui/Renderer/Json.php on line 95, referer:
[Sun Jun 21 04:31:13 2015] [error] [client] PHP Warning: json_encode(): Invalid UTF-8 sequence in argument in /usr/share/nethesis/Nethgui/Renderer/Json.php on line 97, referer:

Jul 21 00:22:57 RMG-FIREWALL httpd-admin: [2] json_encode(): Invalid UTF-8 sequence in argument - File /usr/share/nethesis/Nethgui/Renderer/Json.php, line 97

Line 95 & 97 Jason.php

    $output[] = array('__STATE__', md5(json_encode($output)));

    return json_encode($output);


@davidep any chance to fix this at framework level? Or we need to put a workaround inside the blacklist loader?

I bet it’s a badly UTF-8 encoded string from a language catalog, or other source file. Sadly the error message from json_encode() does not help.