Server critical error

Nethserver 7.6
I encountered a major error on server neth7 for the first time, preventing me from accessing it.
In the notification emails I read:
Can’t locate NethServer / in @INC (@INC contains: / usr / local / lib64 / perl5 / usr / local / share / perl5 / usr / lib64 / perl5 / vendor_perl / usr / share / perl5 / vendor_perl / usr / lib64 / perl5 / usr / share / perl5.) at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/NethServer/ line 25.
BEGIN failed - compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/NethServer/ line 25.
Compilation failed in require at / sbin / e-smith / backup-data line 24.
BEGIN failed - compilation aborted at / sbin / e-smith / backup-data line 24.

Log file: /var/log/backup/backup-backup-data-201909130300.log


/etc/cron.daily/0yum-daily.cron: / usr / sbin / yum-cron: / usr / bin / python: bad interpreter: Input / output error
/etc/cron.daily/0yum-daily.cron: line 11: / usr / sbin / yum-cron: Success

Can’t locate NethServer / in @INC (@INC contains: / usr / local / lib64 / perl5 / usr / local / share / perl5 / usr / lib64 / perl5 / vendor_perl / usr / share / perl5 / vendor_perl / usr / lib64 / perl5 / usr / share / perl5.) at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/NethServer/ line 26.
BEGIN failed - compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/NethServer/ line 26.
Compilation failed in require at / sbin / e-smith / backup-config line 24.
BEGIN failed - compilation aborted at / sbin / e-smith / backup-config line 24.

sh: / usr / bin / certbot: / usr / bin / python2: bad interpreter: Input / output error

I restarted everything is at the moment seems ok.
The server is virtualized on virtualbox.
Thank you

Sorry for late response. The server still runs fine?
About the errors:

Failed to load some required modules for backups.

Not sure, but maybe hit a malformed/corrupted file.
It could be caused by bad blocks on disk.

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Hi, I solved drastically by completely restoring the server from a backup. I believe it was generated by a snapshot of virtualbox that at its restoration (restore) has made a wrong merge. Your hypothesis is valid because the error resembles a disk defect … Thanks.

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