the sentiment son more than correspond to the fact that.
- Nethserver will not be used by one or 2 by maybe thousands of organizations.
- While NEthserver Dev team will chose or decide the identity provider to ue, the community is able to implement a community supported, or the one they prefer. the same way we have webtop and Sogo, they both do the same function, but why do we have webtop, sogo and webmail. we could have easily had webtop only.
- All large Enterpises begin as SME, including Microsoft, Oracle, google and all the other, even recently the likes of Notion, Trello(before acquisition) and others.
What NEthserve ris offering the SME, is Standard for the Coporates to the SME, otherwise no small SME wants to manage their own mail server, or file server etc, they would rather outsource or buy MS365.
Coming back to my industry, an average small SME in the IT and Software Space uses an average of 20 Tools.
- Slack and its brothers for communication
- github and its cousings, for repo
- a wiki for their softwares and tools
- email system and server
- accounting software
- CRM system(assuming they have a strong marketing and sales department)
- Internal computers and logins,
- Servers managing their websites and codes
- login to their websites
- Automation tools like MAke, N8n and zapier
- Bulk SMS/ email marketing solution and systems
- API integration platforms, eg(Paystack,paypal,stripe etc)
- Website monitoring (could be google, matomo or piwik pro)
- Product monitoring (posthog, and others)
- Data tools and maybe data aggregation tools (Assuming they crunch alot of data)
- Database manageemnt tools and similar
- Design and prototyping tools (Figma,, )
(18) Possibly a password manager somewhere
This is just a hypothetical scenario for the small IT firm, the SME as you call it.
is NEthesis and SME or an Enterprise, i know they are using almost the given number of tools
github, docker, discourse, dokuwiki, trello, figma, mattermost, maybe nextcloud, maybe
Where does the SME level end?
Some of the tools could be easily replaced by one tool.
MS365 will replace a huge number of the tools, Azure subscription as well, a zoho One subscription for $50 per user per month, could replace, alot more others
but still there will be some other pain point areas and tools that still dont fit the bill. Maybe an Oracle or SAP subscription could solve.
either way, for an organization to maintain some level of control in all these tools, they need an identity manager, AD fits the bill, but lets be honest, AD was not designed for the cloud.
thats why we have OIDC, OAUTH2, SAML and cousins, now everyone seems to be phasing out SAML, in favour of SCIM, do we not want to support SCIM, just because, hell no, its like saying, lets not support Lets encrypt because there are commercial and self signed certs that would still serve the job.
@danb35 i am guessing you’re not in the corporate enterprise category, if so, then why were you interested in sso for ssh authentication?
While SCIM can compliment AD at the moment, in the near future it may replace or phase it out completely.
Implementing an SSO module that does not support SCIM or has not immediate plans for supporting SCIM, if SCIM is not built-in into nethserver, i am sure to say would be a wasted effort, and in the near future, you might be forced to come back to the drawing board.
As with all things, not everyhting is mandatory. after all NEthserver 7 has operated perfectly ok without SSo Module untill @danb35 gave us LemonLdapNG
i will be honest, the first real productive use case on my end of SSO, has been with LLNG, courtesy of danb module.
But as i have used it, gotten accustomed to it, and learnt a lot more about its implementation, and how we can as well implement in the software’s we are building, the more i have the need for more.
Operating from Africa, and in a country where our exchange rate to the dollar has increase 60% in less than 6 months, i know the pain of paying for subscriptions in every tools you need to use, especially if the pricing model is in dollars, and designed not for the African market I try to the best of my ability to squeeze every cent out of a dollar.
While $50 on your end could only afford a cup of coffee, on my end its able to pay an entire month Rent somewhere, or even not so fast internet for use in the Office