Reminder for subscription renewal

Hi @alefattorini ,

I just renewed my subsciption, but I found that it is to renew only by chance.

Is it possible to give an automatic reminder a month before it is to do, like proxmox does?

Just an idea…

BR Ralf


It’s a good idea we need to implement that
Thanks for suggesting

Hi @alefattorini and @giacomo,

it works perfectly! Thank you. :smiley: :+1:


Thanks for the feedback! :wink:

I just renewed my subscription. In the end it went well using chromium browser. BUT…
My default browser is Firefox. Admitted: I have several addons that might have a different behavior than expected, but I tried 3 times to renew using paypal. It went ok including logging in paypal, but then it stops and the payment is not carried out.
As said, last resort was to use a very clean un-googled chromium and that went ok.
So I am unsure if it is Firefox or one of the addons that is the culprit. However, my VPS has an extra year of secure updates…