Release candidate: ISO 7.7.1908 rc1

5 posts were split to a new topic: Administrative accounts in Server Manager

Sorry to say, it’s going to take a bit longer…

We have an little issue, Centos arm32 bit packages are sign with a different key:

# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo

# CentOS-Base.repo
name=CentOS-$releasever - Base

Note the additional RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-AltArch-Arm32 :sweat:

cc// @davidep

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Hyperscan for suricata and/or rspamd

other installation tests on VM:
interactive, unattended and manual installation, and all seems ok to me.
only one doubt:
it’s normal that there is no FirstRunWizard if i use for the first time cockpit?

I would have liked to test installation on real hardware with raid 1, but I have nothing usable at the moment

updated some vm joined to ad domain, i had some errors in logs (but they were already there, I’ll look them better) and all seems to work as usual


Tested on two servers - one firewall/gateway (vmware) and one mail/app server (proxmox), both updates worked without errors and everything seems to work properly.

@mark_nl, I did a test on a raspberry 4 and it worked. I used the centos image for raspi 4. I worked around the key problems with disabling gpg check.

yum install


nethserver-cockpit does not install because it requires nethserver-subscription and that requires puppet-agent which is not available, see also Nethserver on Raspberry Pi

Error: Package: nethserver-subscription-3.5.0-1.ns7.noarch (nethserver-updates)
           Requires: puppet-agent

Puppet-agent runs with rvm ruby 2.4 and a patch but I don’t know how to make a package out of it and if it’s really necessary.



Maybe we can build a fake nethserver-subscription for ARM, since it is not really supported by Community subscription.

It’s used to send inventory data the server, so it’s necessary if you have a subscription.
But we can get rid of it for ARM if we create a fake nethserver-subscription package (or a package which provides it).

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We could add it to nethserver-release/root/etc/e-smith/templates/etc/yum.repos.d/NethServer.repo/10base at 1a4fbb5bee477897e648d4b257311ef043c3f49f · NethServer/nethserver-release · GitHub, and similar lines. It is a template, so any simple programming trick (for instance checking for the architecture or a file existence before do something else) is allowed.

Just for consistency, could be added here too nethserver-release/root/etc/yum.repos.d/NethServer.repo at master · NethServer/nethserver-release · GitHub. Keep in mind that there it lives before being overwritten by the template expansion, during the “system-init” event.

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Yes i am aware of this, also see:

opend issue arm-dev/issues/32

@moderators feel free to split the arm stuff off


I love tarallino :smiley:

The final ISO is coming now. The docs have been already updated!