Regarding disaster recovery

I committed an emergency transfer of a web / mail server from a crashing Zentyal to Nethserver.

In reviewing the backup scheme the disaster recovery documentation has me a little discombobulated.

Assuming a single failed hard drive.

Backup (configuration) is to local. The config backup is, apparently, from what I read in the docs, also grabbed in the Backup data.

So, a fresh install of nethserver is created but there is, obviously, no configuration backup on the new hd for step #4.

If you enable and manually setup Backup (data) pointing to the existing backup on an external cifs share and restore the folder backup would that then make available the backup config to the Backup (configuration) restore?

Or, would you manually setup Backup (data) pointing to the existing backup on an external cifs share and then, after completion of restore, then restore from Backup (configuration)?

Or does a full restore of Backup (data) also restore the configuration as if you manually restored from Backup (configuration)?

Am I making sense?
Cause the documentation doesn’t to me.

Follow the steps from the manual.
Step 4 quickly restore only the config from the data backup.

I guess that’s why I’m confused, according to docs the Backup (configuration) writes the backup here; /var/lib/nethserver/backup/backup-config.tar.xz
but, given a new hard drive with a new install because of ‘disaster’, there will be no backup configuration there…

Is it necessary to extract the configuration backup from the Backup (data) external location and manually copy it to that local location? before restore configuration?

No, restore-config does it for you.