Problem with MS-Office macros

NethServer Version: 7.7.1908
Module: Rspamd 2.2-1

Good afternoon, I have problems with virus detection in Excel electronic sheets, mark all macros as suspicious and do not allow receiving or sending documents.
554 5.7.1 Rejected suspicious office document macro
OLETOOLS (0) [AutoExec + Suspicious (ModificarDatos_Click,Open,Output,Print #,Call,Chr)]
All updates are applied as of January 21, 2020
Can you help me Thank you.
Juan Carlos Ortiz L.

Those macros are really suspicious, because are running automatically and call some “unusual” functions.
If you are really sure that the xls documents are safe you can whitelist the sender or receiver.

Best practice:

NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER send Office documents via mail. :slight_smile:

Well… this is a LOOONG topic…