This shouldn’t be too difficult to accomplish. phpbb is a LAMP application that probably will be quite easy to install.
@Jimbo, Could you give it a try to installl phpbb on NethServer and write a howto for it? There are quite some examples in the Howto section of these forums so you can have peek there to get inspiration on writing a howto.
If you run into any problems, don’t hesitate to ask and we will help you.
We have a straightforward procedure hwo new features are implemented on NethServer. Procedure how new features are processed in the NethServer project
This topic can serve as a feature request (I already changed the section for this topic to features)
Now we are busy starting to discuss this feature: why do you think phpbb is the forumsoftware of choice for NethServer? Personally I would favor Discourse (what we use here) because the analasys features for Discourse are IMO a lot better than phpbb has.
other options:
SMF: (used at zentyal)
More examples of alternatives: