Opinion on using Ryzen 3100 with Nethserver

All Ryzen 3 processors, in this case the 3100 is part of that group, support ECC Ram as far as I know. Also, all Asrock motherboards support ECC Ram which is what I am going for. Doesn’t matter if a gaming or server board, Asrock has you covered in terms of ECC RAM.

Not only the memory, but I also seem to remember that you end up with “unknown processor” in certain info displays. This beggs the question if it doesn’t leave performance on the table etc, due to the kernel not exactly “knowing” what ryzen is.



If using Virtualization, as in Proxmox above, you anyway use a “KVM CPU”. Not Intel, not AMD.

It’s the same as with RAID. Let the system underneath deal with Redundancy, not the system on top.
Here: The OS (Proxmox/Debian) knows about the CPU, it’s supported…

There’s also this consideration:
Most current Desktop OS, with Windows even and especially Server OS, come with extensive GPU support. However, most Server Graphics Cards or Interfaces are not equipped with GPU. Why?, They’re running headless in a server rack, next to dozens of other similiar servers…
Then again, most servers nowadays are only set up virtually…

And you know what? From a user point of view, it simply doesn’t really matter! Present day CPUs have more than enough power.

Virtualization: Why use a KVM CPU instead of the real, built in CPU?

The reason again is flexibility. Think Live Migration… You have several servers, none have the same CPU.
Again, using KVM CPU it doesn’t really matter! Your Windows will still see the “same” KVM CPU, even if migrating from Intel to AMD! So no relicensing issues or re-registration!

My 2 cents

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To drive home this point I have been testing Neth on a Rasphberry Pi 4 and it has done everything I normally virtualize Neth for (OpenVPN, Account Manager, Guacamole and Email/SOGo). I have been super impressed with what this cheap PoE capable board can do.

The only thing I can’t currently do on this unit is to get Guacamole to properly send out WoL packets that I know Nethserver can do via terminal.

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