Openvpn server on tcp

Now that we can select te port for openvpn what about have the opportunity to change also the protocol?
Usually i’m behind a locked-down network where only 80 and 443 ports are opened. So i need to configure openvpn on tcp/443 to connect to my home lab.
Anyone interested?

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You can achieve that with a custom template for the Roadwarrior server:

mkdir /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/openvpn/host-to-net.conf
echo "proto tcp" >> /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/openvpn/host-to-net.conf/90protocol
signal-event nethserver-openvpn-save

wow tnx :slight_smile: easier than expected.
to make it work i’ve added new property (TCPPort and Protocol) to key openvpn, created custom template and some other probably useless things (to httdp/ssl to make it work on 443, and some change to client config)
I am a little ashamed :grin:
As soon as i’ll be in lab i’ll test… tnx!

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