Open SFTPgo WebAdmin / How to adjust the link?

Hi all,

On Debian-11, I have to change the hostname with nmtui and now all pointers are now working.


The use of nmtui will change the content of the files: /etc/hostname and /etc/resolv.conf

As seen below, the “hostname” and the “hostname -f” have the same output which is not suppose to be the case.

  • hostname is the text string before the first dot of the FQDN.
  • domain name is text string after the first dot of the FQDN.
root@ns8:~# hostname -f          <============= "FQDN"

root@ns8:~# hostname          <============= it should be only "ns8"

root@ns8:~# hostname -d              <============= "domain name"

root@ns8:~# dnsdomainname

root@ns8:~# cat /etc/hostname     <============= it should be only "ns8"


I think the way NS8 gets the hostname or domain name is not the proper way to do so.



With the proper hostname, to communicate at he end of the installation it displays:

To communicate with SFTPgo, why it uses:

Why the logic is different ???

I think so too:

It’s improved compared to a few months ago, but it looks like there’s still a problem.

Out of a computer but iirc we rely on the bash command


Could be interesting to see the output before you changed it

From what I read I am quite sure that your server debian 11 was misconfigured or something wrong was on the dns side

For example the mail module should be broken too probably

Could you reproduce and detail how you set up your dns name

We could use it but not sure it has solved your issue

Between this and the other topic I linked, maybe NS8 should just ask for the desired/intended hostname (perhaps with a caveat that it shouldn’t be the FQDN you intend to serve your main web content from, see NS8: webserver allows to create a virtual host with the same FQDN as the main server FQDN). Because the auto-detecting seems very fragile, and it also seems to come up with inconsistent results. Have it as part of the install script maybe, or perhaps part of the create/join cluster pages.

Otherwise, the docs need to specify exactly how the hostname is to be set for NS8 purposes (and it needs to be something that can be done post-install, because folks who will be running this in a VPS environment won’t be able to set it at install time), because the information in several online guides wasn’t enough to get it done when I was working on it earlier.


something was broken in the configuration side of miche-andre


We need the full qualified domain name in this file, probably if ns8 was written first we found the key of the issue

Dns are configurable as you want after the installation but after the cluster creation I am less sure

As I said dns matters a lot with ns8 and if you misconfigure it it won’t work. We need to practice and learn how to use it

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Hi @stephdl

You are right, it is wrong but this is the only way that SFTPgo will work.

That is why i wrote: <============= it should be only “ns8”
It is suppose to contain: (only a single label, i.e. without any dots) see below…

That is also why I wrote: I think the way NS8 gets the hostname or domain name is not the proper way to do so.

hostname(5) - Linux manual page.

  • The file should contain a single newline-terminated hostname
    string. Comments (lines starting with a “#”) are ignored. The
    hostname should be composed of up to 64 7-bit ASCII lower-case
    alphanumeric characters or hyphens forming a valid DNS domain
    name. It is recommended that this name contains only a single
    label, i.e. without any dots. Invalid characters will be filtered
    out in an attempt to make the name valid, but obviously it is
    recommended to use a valid name and not rely on this filtering.

The simple configuration file format of /etc/hostname originates
from Debian GNU/Linux.

Can you explain the logic below ?


In /etc/hostname, if I insert only the server name i.e. ns8 (as it should be), SFTPgo will want to go to ns8/sftpgo/web/admin/login.

Hi @stephdl

When I was using Rocky, for sure it was broken as the certificate(s) I received is quite wrong and I think they are left over from somewhere:

“Unable to connect to server. The configuration, username or password are probably incorrect.”



With Debian-11, I also receive a funny "Personnes" certificate

This is also a bug.

That is why I am waiting for Beta-2 to test email.


Hi @stephdl

I am testing on a virtual machine on the LOCAL LAN, I am sure I am not the only one.

That is why I do not comment on how to obtain a certificate in such an environment.
I obtain a Let’s Encrypt certificate on my main NethServer and I upload it to NS8.

I looks that it is not interesting for NS8 !!!


We need to retrieve the hostname of the server, we relie on hostname cli command. We could either use hostnamectl but it reflects too what is written in /etc/hosts bad or good

Just on my cell I can be wrong

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Hi @stephdl

For the time been, I would say to use
hostname -f.

If you look at the man pages for hostname, it also gives C functions to get the hostname.
hostname(1) — hostname — Debian stretch — Debian Manpages.


When called without any arguments, the program displays the current names:

  • hostname will print the name of the system as returned by the gethostname(2) function.

  • domainname will print the NIS domainname of the system. domainname uses the gethostname(2) function, while ypdomainname and nisdomainname use the getdomainname(2).

  • dnsdomainname will print the domain part of the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name). The complete FQDN of the system is returned with hostname --fqdn (but see the warnings in section THE FQDN below).

Technically: The FQDN is the name getaddrinfo(3) returns for the host name returned by gethostname(2). The DNS domain name is the part after the first dot.

Therefore it depends on the configuration of the resolver (usually in /etc/host.conf) how you can change it. Usually the hosts file is parsed before DNS or NIS, so it is most common to change the FQDN in /etc/hosts.

If a machine has multiple network interfaces/addresses or is used in a mobile environment, then it may either have multiple FQDNs/domain names or none at all. Therefore avoid using hostname --fqdn, hostname --domain and dnsdomainname. hostname --ip-address is subject to the same limitations so it should be avoided as well.

-f, --fqdn, --long

  • Display the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name). A FQDN consists of a short host name and the DNS domain name. Unless you are using bind or NIS for host lookups you can change the FQDN and the DNS domain name (which is part of the FQDN) in the /etc/hosts file. See the warnings in section THE FQDN above and use hostname --all-fqdns instead wherever possible.


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on rocky

[root@R1 ~]# cat /etc/hostname
[root@R1 ~]# cat /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

[root@R1 ~]# hostname
[root@R1 ~]# hostname -f

we change the hostname

[root@R1 ~]# hostnamectl set-hostname

[root@R1 ~]# cat /etc/hostname
[root@R1 ~]# hostname -f
[root@R1 ~]# hostname

@michelandre is the winner I started a laptop :smiley:

@giacomo we have no resource in the ns8 installation page on how to set the hostname dns name I think, I bet it needs something


I use a python command to retrieve the fqdn

no bash command, it is something we use, need to think on it

or use a bash command in try except

or better use


socket.getfqdn() vs socket.gethostname()

python - what's the difference between gethostname and getfqdn? - Stack Overflow.

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