October Community Hangout - Wednesday 19 October 18:00 (CEST)

I can write blog posts.

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Great, I love this! Which kind of posts? We should organize a team with @robb and @ostechnix :slight_smile:


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Talking about some roles in the NethServer community

Are we having Hangout meeting at 18 CEST today?

No man, next Wednesday! Check the post above!

Just edited the first post with final info

Sadly tomorrow I will be absent due to personal commitments which come up lately but our great community guy @robb is going to organize and lead the meeting in the best possible way. (Thanks friend!)

Just over 2 hours to go for our October Community hangout with @JeffBales, @bwdjames, @douglasdiasn and me. I am curious what made these guys decide to enter the NethServer community.

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@robb, Iā€™m getting over a cold and several strokes in 2010. With that
those two things I will only ā€œbe seenā€ and not much else. :-(. I feel fine
though. See you about a hour.

Unfortunately I am unable to make it - my suddenly increased workload has thrown a cold bucket of water over the best laid plans of mice and men.

Sorry about that

Too bad. @JeffBales and I were there. Unfortunately I couldnā€™t hear Jeff. We had to postpone the hangout. So a chance that both James and Douglas can attend too.
It is really a pity because I would loved to have a chat with Jeff.
Better luck next time.