Nut configuration

Our NS server is connected to an APC SmartUPS RT XL via a SNMP/environment card (AP9619).
We need this arrangement (card) as the server room is small and has only one air conditioning unit : if it fails or the power goes off, the room would overheat very fast. The card is programmed to shut down all equipments if the temperature exceeds a certain threshold.
Today I tried to revert back to nut (I have been using apcupsd) and use the “snmp-ups” driver. I could select the right driver/UPS model but I could not set the port to the IP address of the SNMP card.
Is there a way I could do that without directly editing nut configuration files?

Thank you


P.S. At the moment NS is configured as slave to our backup server (FreeNAS).

I think we have a missing feature. :slight_smile:

Please, could you try enabling the snmp ups via server-manager than type:
config setprop ups Device
signal-event nethserver-nut-save

it worked.
I initially set UPS via server manager (Smart_UPS 5000 XL) and NS complained as it was looking for an USB connection.
Then I logged in via Putty and typed in :

config setprop ups Device
signal-event nethserver-nut-save

here is the result :

Thank you for your help and let me know if I can be of further help.



Thank you very much for testing.
I need to find a way to support snmp ups on NS7.

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just a quick follow-up.
After applying your fix I could use the SMNP UPS. It has been working flawlessly ever since (see attached screen shots) including collectd statistics.
Yesterday I upgraded to NS 6.8 and all is working OK.



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