NS8 Smarthost for sending mail

I needed to configure a smarthost but I didn’t use smtp_tls_policy_maps so here is what I did for a working smarthost:

Enter the mail instance environment, in my case mail1:

runagent -m mail1

Create the file smarthost.cf by using vi in the container…

podman exec -ti postfix vi main.cf.d/smarthost.cf

…and add following content:

relayhost = [your.smarthost.tld]:587
smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_password_maps = lmdb:/etc/postfix/main.cf.d/relay_pass
smtp_sasl_mechanism_filter = plain, login
smtp_sasl_security_options =

Create the file relay_pass

podman exec -ti postfix vi main.cf.d/relay_pass

…with following content like smarthost username:password:

your.smarthost.tld markus:SeCrEt

Create the lmdb file:

podman exec -ti postfix postmap main.cf.d/relay_pass

Restart postfix:

systemctl --user restart postfix


Hi @mrmarkuz, I did the steps and would like send a mail from CLI for testing… Could you please tell me the synthax?

P.S. I use Debian12 as OS.

Installing the mail command depends on a smtp server. (in the case of Debian exim is suggested). In the container one can install mail but I think it’s easier to just use a supported mail client like Roundcube for sending a test mail.

If you meant another Debian client and not the NS8 node, here is an explanation how to setup mail for sending a test mail.

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Worked perfect, thank you! Tested sending and receiving with roundcube…

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i made it to installing the postfix relay server from @mrmarkuz way to describe it. now the postfix try to send the Emails, but by trying to send it it comes to this situation
Apr 21 15:07:43 ns8 postfix/smtp[10116]: 2275B26C86D: to=kai40hh@gmx.de, relay=smtp.ionos.de[]:465, delay=209, delays=189/0.05/20/0, dsn=4.4.2, status=deferred (lost connection with smtp.ionos.de[] while receiving the initial server greeting)
any suggestions?

Let’s wait until the new Mail 1.4.0 app is ready. The modifications shouldn’t be necessary anymore.


Maybe wrong encryption?


i returned now the ns8 system to a state before i did the modifications for smtp relay. you think i should give it a try with the test repros? Also for, maybe a little helpful… ? i have to repros
"https://forge.nethserver.org/ns8/updates/ "
do i need to activate both?

Yes, just create a snapshot and give it a try.

No, just for the NethServer base repo (the distfeed one) activating testing is needed.
After activating there’s also a core update, I don’t know if it’s needed.

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thanks a lot for your advice !!!

Moin @hucky,


On the right site of this is a Field with Name Testing. You must activate the Testing repro and then the field will be green. Then you can start with the installation of the new smtp modul.




i activate the repo and update the core and the mail app, is there something new for the configuration or is this all?

i saw there is a new entry at notification:
which one is the right for smtp relay?

Yes, there are relay rules in the mail app, see Nextcloud (ns8) email notify error - #20 by mrmarkuz

I think if you have mail server installed then smarthost.mail_app_instance is the right one. You can set the smarthost in the mail app now…

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if i do the notification change to smarthost.mail_app_ instance i have no possibilities for give relay server adress and the mail dont leave the ques and i got an dont allowed to talk error, if i return to the smarthost_manual_configuration i can do it with a relay server, but it did not work, there is the same error like before.

Did you add a relay rule?

i did not have the entry

Revision Instanzmail1


Please try to refresh the browser/clear browser cache or maybe switch to English in the browser.
It should be there in German too:

If that doesn’t work, maybe you need to remove the mail app and reinstall it for testing.


Thanks for testing!!!

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here we go, now i have to check what to do ^^

thanks so much for your work and your support !!!

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but unfortunately no luck with sending to the relay…
maillog says:
MTPS wrappermode (TCP port 465) requires setting “smtp_tls_wrappermode = yes”, and “smtp_tls_security_level = encrypt” (or stronger)
Apr 21 20:15:46 ns8 postfix/smtp[16535]: 48AA823CDCE: lost connection with smtp.ionos.de[] while receiving the initial server greeting

You could try to add the options to a custom .cf file for example customtls.cf as explained here.

Content of customtls.cf:

smtp_tls_wrappermode = yes
smtp_tls_security_level = encrypt

Good Morning, still no luck, also with the customtls.cf
i saw in a log this entrys
Apr 22 07:55:59 ns8 postfix/postqueue[32559]: warning: /etc/postfix/main.cf, line 145: overriding earlier entry: smtp_tls_security_level=may
Apr 22 07:55:59 ns8 postfix/showq[32560]: warning: /etc/postfix/main.cf, line 145: overriding earlier entry: smtp_tls_security_level=may
Apr 22 07:56:09 ns8 postfix/smtp[32539]: 48AA823CDCE: lost connection with smtp.ionos.de[] while receiving the initial server greeting

After finding a bug in the main.cf i got these results now:
Untrusted TLS connection established to smtp.ionos.de[]:465: TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits) key-exchange X25519 server-signature RSA-PSS (2048 bits) server-digest SHA256
Apr 22 08:41:13 ns8 postfix/smtp[33572]: 48AA823CDCE: to=kai40hh@gmx.de, relay=smtp.ionos.de[]:465, delay=50737, delays=50737/0/0.33/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (SASL authentication failed; server smtp.ionos.de[] said: 535 Authentication credentials invalid)
Apr 22 08:41:13 ns8 postfix/postqueue[33640]: warning: /etc/postfix/main.cf, line 145: overriding earlier entry: smtp_tls_security_level=may

i saw in the configuration of the relay.title that the pw is always changed into “relay.unchanged” is this maybe a Problem?