NS8 NethForge applications index

not really…

i always come back to this, every time i need to assign an app category.

I noticed there are apps without assigned category. So it is not mandatory.

Should have category or. Maybe a default category called uncategorized, otherwise when the list of apps grows… Mayhem

That was/is an issue with RPMs, too–they’d want (but not require) a Group: field in the .spec file, but there was no canonical list of suitable groups. As a result, that field is pretty much useless in categorizing RPMs.

@oneitonitram if you’re curious, I got the list from the source code (translation strings):

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nice one, i had no idea where to look, i guess i was just lazy or something.

i think that list could us more

  • entertainment
  • media
  • miscellaneous

The last one especially to serve as a “catch all” ‘if <> defined == miscellaneous’, so an app always has a category no matter what.

I have been looking into implementing homelab solutions into Nethserver. The Arr stack. Sonarr, etc. And many others, but am not really sure, since the storage issue, and some of these apps needs to share folder. So Nethserver 8 might not be a great solution for homelab and entertainment. Rather stick with casaos truenas scale and others. Unless there is a storage solution in future.