NS8 beta2 - Unable to login to Cockpit

i installed the rocky prebuilded version but i am not able to log in to the Konfigurationpanell at 9090. The Clustermanager works fine… any suggestions?

If i try to install the samba ad it is on the ip of the vpn?

Same problem, install VMDK prebuild rocky but i am not able to log in https://<server_ip_or_fqdn>/cluster-admin/

Username is admin?

it looks like the login on the Linux system, not on the Nethserver.

Yes sorry, thats right…

Installed Rocky 9.2 and tried cockpit… I got the same problem, please try to use “Andere Einstellungen” with Hostname localhost and accept the key…

AFAIK root access to Cockpit is disabled. For me it worked with the user rocky after changing its password from a root shell.

Apart from the login issue that could be fixed, why do you want to use Cockpit?

Old Habits Die Hard :smile: - I installed it just for testing…

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:thinking: We can remove the root entry from /etc/cockpit/disallowed-users