Nextcloud with AD backend, User deleted in AD without unsharing calendar, calendar can not be removed or unshared anymore


Fully agree this would have been easier…

But I still consider this a NextCloud Bug - remnants should NOT be left…

If a user deletes a file, he either expects the file to be gone - or in the trashbin.
But not “frozen” in limbo…

I need to be a bit more current in occ comands… Or do I really? It should just work!

My 2 cents


It’s like an LDAP users trashbin.
Nextcloud has it in the documentation so I don’t think it’s a bug.
We could automate the deletion but this may not be wanted in any case :thinking:

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No but it could be a nice nfr

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May i disagree?
Nextcloud kept data as intended and programmed. It was… unpleasant due to sharing of the calendar to other users, but… if there was no calendar shared, no one cared.

Limits of integrations are… engineering connections. Sometimes the “external user related data” has to be kept, sometimes should be deleted, and it’s not NextCloud developers decide which one is the right path. Assuming that NextCloud is a database, should the records created by a user deleted after the deletion of user login data?

My suggestion here, @Andy_Wismer is to write the documentation for your system maintenance. Believe me, I’d face the same issue if i were in the same place.

Hi @pike

I still disagree.

If there’s a button in the Web-GUI of Nextcloud to “unshare” the calendar (avilable for any user who sees the shared calendar) , it should work, and not give an non-descript error message (Something like unknown error)…

This should NOT be dependant if the resource is still there or not.

Nextcloud is good, works generally very well. But…

They announce too much - and deliver less.

Your own data and privacy issues (GDPR): No way to download your data as user when no more using Nextcloud…
They at least have an App the Admin can install.
The user clicks on an App to request his data.
The admin get’s a mail saying the user requests his data…

But NO way to actually give the user his data - like most cloud solutions do offer their users in a simple way.
It’s not easy for an admin to collect files.
Calendar and Contacts are fairly trivial, but they are not the mainstay of Nextcloud, that is files…

Add to that the fact that Karlichek (The creator of Own/Nextcloud) is german, so he knows their very strict laws!

I actually have documentation of my IT environment - written all in DokuWiki, as here NethServer uses… :slight_smile:

But to document something, that something has to react correctly, predictably and same in same situations. For Nextcloud, that is not quite valid…

Even their programming terms signify this: “remnants”…

If it’s a GUI function, that GUI function should simply work!

And this is the Bug in my opinion: a non working GUI function…

My 2 cents

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Sorry, Andy…
Simple != Correct != Necessary.

Again, the offending problem was “annyoing calendar of a not working here (anymore) person”.
I can relate and understand complaining with a not working feature (unshare calendar), IMVHO in some organizations this feature should be… not available for some users and calendars, and certified, as a part of the statement “persons have access to that schedule 24/7”.

Complaining about GDPR… It’ a so bigger speech but, as a customer of “PrivateSkySpace” I would totally support the criticism.
Except that… as a workplace, any data into NextCloud is not property of the user, is property of the firm. And this should be stated as part of the contract. So the feature IMVHO should not be present.

Context and environment is a really gamechanger for these distributed service application.
As a company owner of the NextCloud installation, i would not enable “remnants delete” (Copyright Andy2Cents) as standard policy.
Starting from the IT manager.

This specific Nextcloud is not workspace data, so data are owned by users.

Same goes for my home Nextcloud. I use it, so do some friends…
GDPR is not critical for me here.

It was an error, the user (admin-cal) had a typo in the username and needed to be re-created.
The calendar was shared for testing, then the wrong username was “seen”…
It was corrected, but left testing calendars (“Official” Public holidays). To make matters worse, it was the wrong calendar…

Remnants delete has to be done as admin, so there’s no option to enable or not.

For Workspace / Companies this is a different issue, there as data is produced during paid time, the result of that work belongs to the company…

My 2 cents