Nextcloud - Remove Collabora and Install OnlyOffice

2 things to try:

  • In the Nextcloud NPM reverse proxy point to instead of just

  • Use an internal domain for Nextcloud like cloud.internal.tld and configure NPM to point to https://cloud.internal.tld:443 instead of

Did you remove the port forwarding? Did you configure the host to use?

Please share actual config:

config show fw_onlyoffice


It’s confusing that you use a collabora domain for the onlyoffice app.

Did you already try to add the host property by executing

config setprop fw_onlyoffice host collabora.domain.tld

signal-event nethserver-nextcloud-update

Not works

Sorry, I have no idea.
I think it’s a problem with NPM, DNS and the domain names.
Could you provide credentials by direct message so I can check your server later today?
Or I can write another howto including NPM, Nextcloud, onlyoffice and collabora…

Hi check PM

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Hi guys

This is the solution:

We need to edit the conf with this command:
config setprop fw_onlyoffice RejectUnauthorized false
signal-event nethserver-onlyoffice-update

Thanks @mrmarkuz for the support :slight_smile:


I was wondering if there are any updates on this, as i simply installed onlyoffice from nextcloud itself.

I also installed collarbera but i dont see it any where.

!. There are instructions to uninstall collabara using command line above as i dont see it in the list of installed software, should i follow that.
2. Should i uninstall the onlyoffice on nextcloud and follow mrmarkuz guideline in the wiki?
3. I would imagine that there are new versions of everything since this article was written, should i install as per the instructions and update later.

Please advise.