Nextcloud on Nethserver 7

Tried that now… Still the same.
It’s not creating the congif.php properly.
Btw I have set the system up with connection to AD.

  Installing : nextcloud-11.0.3-2.ns7.noarch           1/2
  Installing : nethserver-nextcloud-1.1.3-1.ns7.noarch

rpm -e nethserver-nextcloud nextcloud
mysql -e “drop database nextcloud”

And try to install again

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That fixed it :slight_smile:
Now it installed and the config file is back…
Thanks alot for the help here everyone :smiley:

Well now I receive this error when I log in to the server.

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report.
More details can be found in the server log.

Technical details
Remote Address:
Request ID: WSWc5FxPJUFjRWEth5fegQAAAAs

Not sure what log file to look into.

This is the same problem I am experiencing:

Clean setup of latest Nethserver
Run Updates
Setup server as AD (AD working fine)
Install Nextcloud, but get this "Internal Server Error"
If I uninstall AD and use LDAP, Nextcloud works fine.
I have reloaded the server three times, same problem, so for some reason Nextcloud does not talk to AD?

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Please inspect all logs:

  • /var/log/messages
  • /var/log/http/*log
  • /var/lib/nethserver/nextcloud/nextcloud.log

I have now the exact same message when installing NC12 on a NS7 with Samba4 AD accountprovider:

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report.
More details can be found in the server log.

I have searched for nextcloud entries in /var/log/messages and have these lines:

Reading the log, something is wrong within the db format.
Maybe you already had installed an old nextcloud release?

Try to repair and then upgrade the installation with occ command.

/cc @goggaboy

what command would that be? :slight_smile:

That’s right, I had nextcloud10 installed back in januari, but deinstalled that version. Also dropped the database and removed the /var/lib/nethserverl/nextcloud directory… So I assumed I had removed all remnants of the previous install… Maybe I forgot something?

OK, I have found my problem. @Robb and @Drake, maybe you are doing the same?

DNS Domain Name under ‘Accounts Provider’ cannot be the same as ‘Fully qualified Domain Name’ under 'Server Name’
When they are the same, Nextcloud has an error connecting to LDAP, but once I uninstalled and reinstalled AD with a different name, Nextcloud worked perfectly.
Maybe this is obvious to others, but I learnt something :slight_smile:

Thanks Guys.

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For meDNS domain name is “domain.tld” and Servername is ‘server.domain.tld’ so they are different.

That is not the case at my setup.
I have the same as @robb here.
FQDN = servername.domain.local
and domain is domain.local

Use the occ command, if invoked without arguments it will return the list of available actions:

I have my install resolved.
First I tried to install Nextcloud on a clean VM in Virtualbox. This went flawless.
Then I had a look at GitHub - NethServer/nethserver-nextcloud: NextCloud integration in NethServer
I saw that the backup also included /usr/share/nextcloud/config/config.php
I remember I did not remove that file when I first installed nextcloud.

So I first de-installed nextcloud:

rpm -e nethserver-nextcloud nextcloud

Then dropped the nextcloud database:

mysql -e “drop database nextcloud”

Then removed the nextcloud directory:

rm -rf /var/lib/nethserver/nextcloud

and removed the nextcloud config:

rm /usr/share/nextcloud/config/config.php

After that installed again:

yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing install nethserver-nextcloud

And I had a nice loginpage for nextcloud at server.domain.tld/nextcloud.
I also checked if I could log in with a Samba4 account and that worked like a charm.

Great work on the module @giacomo!

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Great work to you for the testing!

I guess we can safely release it now…of course, before releasing I will install the package on out production server :smiley:

thanks @robb I tried that now.
I do get that nice login page, but if I try to long in to my AD account, it shows that same error.

@Drake: Can you log in with the admin account and pw Nethesis,1234 ?

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I did the process one more time, and now I was able to log in with admin account.

But still not with my domain accounts

I’m still searching, but seems like it has problem accessing the ldap.
Nextcloud finds them all, but seems like nextcloud doesn’t, I’ll check my ldap settings.

Okay after I had set everything up, I had to edit the ldap login settings.
It used domain\computername$ as a login, instead of the domain account
I corrected that manually in the config, and now it works :slight_smile:


Looks like we have found two great testers here, thanks @Drake and @goggaboy for your help
/cc @alep @dz00te


Well thanks for the help in this matter.
For now I use the nethserver for:
Samba share
Active Directory member (Windows AD domain)

So happy to test features :slight_smile:

I do hope samba share comes with share location soon. I can edit manually in smb config, but still.
Still wanna be able to control it from nethserver.